Cultural Etiquette: 5 Dos and Don'ts in Peru

Authored by Ryan Smith

When it comes to travel, preparation is not always limited to the practical side of things; booking your hotels, making sure your passport is valid, and deciding what to bring.

Wherever we go in the world, we find people doing things differently, so it’s important to prepare for cultural differences too (this is of course part of the joy of travel; after all, if we were all the same, the world would make for a very boring place!).

We can’t always avoid cultural slip-ups, and keeping your sense of humor when you travel will help you no end. Yet, taking a few minutes to learn about the culture and norms will help you avoid the most embarrassing scenarios.

The following are cultural dos and don’ts for when you travel to Peru. Follow these simple guidelines, and you will set yourself up to have a more meaningful and engaged trip.

After all, not offending everyone unintentionally at every turn can only be a good thing!

5 Cultural Dos and Don’ts in Peru

Cultural Peru


Beckon Someone With a Single Finger and a Fist

While seemingly innocuous in most parts of the world, and something you might do unconsciously, beckoning someone to come over to you using your fist and one moving finger is considered a rude gesture in Peru.

If you want to gesture to someone to come over to you, place your open hand in front of you with your palm down, and make a sweeping gesture down towards yourself.

Where ever you go in the world hands and gestures are used differently, if you do cause offense don’t beat yourself up over it. But try to pay attention to the body language people use around you and mimic them.

DO … Learn Some Spanish Phrases

Local community in Peru

Don’t panic, I’m not suggesting you learn Spanish fluently before your trip. However, taking some time to learn a few phrases can break the ice (as people get a giggle from your terrible pronunciation), and makes a great starting point for conversations.

Bonding with people you meet always goes best when you take a step towards them (figuratively), rather than expecting them to do all the work. Useful phrases to start with are simple things like hello, and how are you.

Or try some practical phrases like counting, I want … (then you point), where is …, and I need help. In general, you can usually find someone who speaks some English in Peru, but in rural areas, this is not always the case.

If you have any allergies or something important to do with your health which you need to accurately communicate with people prepare a small explanatory index card written in Spanish.

When it comes to conversation, Peruvians are quite open in many ways, but Politics is a no-go zone! Keep out of this arena.

DON’T … Wear Revealing Clothes

Peru Meg Jerrard

Peru is a modest country; religious beliefs and traditions mean that people mostly cover their body when they are out and about in public. Some 80% of the countries residents are practicing Catholics.

While you might want to dig your heels in and stubbornly dress the same way you do at home, the respectful approach is to tone it down a little. This is not the moment to assert you have the freedom to do as you wish.

Pro tip: Not only is dressing conservatively respectful, it will help you avoid attracting unwanted attention, and make you blend in so you’re not targeted by scams aimed at tourists.

Whenever I travel abroad, I usually take note of the clothes I observe residents wearing, and mimic them. I don’t mean dressing up in traditional clothes, rather pay attention to the norms and comply. Do you see people wearing shorts or short sleeves? If not, then you don’t need to either.

Try to think about this from your own perspective. If the norm at home is to wear short sleeves and shorts, then someone walked through town in a bikini or topless, everyone would notice, right?

Well, imagine if you grow up somewhere where no-one goes around in shorts, and then someone walks through your village in shorts. How do you think people will react?

DO … Kiss One Cheek When You Greet People

Kiss cheek RF

Greeting people overseas can present a minefield. Complex rituals, beliefs regarding the relationships between men and women, and the politics of touch vary considerably everywhere you go.  Even in Europe, there are quite major differences between countries.

What then in Peru? Well, for the most part, people will greet each other on arrival and departure. When you greet people who you know, the norm is to kiss one cheek only.

This doesn’t mean you have to start kissing your train conductor. Shaking hands is the most appropriate greeting if you don’t know the person at all. If you are in a situation where you are staying with a family or you have spent a lot of time with a guide, then a one cheek kiss, hello and goodbye should do the trick.

Try to feel your way with this one, and let the Peruvians you meet take the lead. Also, if you have the opportunity to visit a family at home for a meal or for some other reason, people would normally take a small gift with them, such as sweets.

DON’T … Worry if Peruvians Get a Bit Close

Peruvian woman

Personal space in Peru can have different boundaries to the Western norm. This means when you are talking to Peruvians they might lean in closer or stand rather close to you, and when they do it can feel a bit weird.

When your personal space has been breached, you get this odd feeling which is a bit like a kind of internal discomfort. Try to go with the flow here because they might feel offended if you move away from them.

If you can, before you know it you won’t notice at all. Then, when you get home you might find that you’re the one getting a bit too close to everyone!

Now Go And Pack Your Things

Now you should feel well equipped to avoid cultural faux-pas and make the most of your trip to Peru.

Before you rush off to hop onto the plane, don’t forget what comes next?  Next, you need to get your Peru packing list organized.

Have you been to Peru? Did you make a cultural blooper when you were there?

What’s the most embarrassing thing you did which revealed a cultural norm you were previously unaware of?

Let us know in the comments


Peru Amazon Travel Guide

Lonely Planet Travel Guide Peru

Peru Amazon Travel Guide

DK Eyewitness Peru

Peru Amazon Travel Guide

Lima, Cusco and Machu Picchu


Ryan Smith is a full-time traveller and founder of, where he turns his passion into interesting information for travel lovers. MrAbroad focuses on travel destinations, helpful tips&tricks.

It is built to inspire you to live a life full of adventure, joy and experience. Follow Ryan on Twitter.


  1. I had no idea that you shouldn’t beckon someone over with a single finger and fist – I totally would have assumed that was universal! Fascinating insights, thanks for sharing. Great post.

    • That one was something new for me too! So glad you enjoyed the post :)

  2. The tip to not wear revealing clothes I think is a good one for most destinations. Blending in is a safety tip above all, but granted I do think that when you’re traveling through South America as a gringo you stand out regardless. But from a respect point of view, it’s absolutely something you should do.

    • Absolutely Jordon, regardless of what we look like it’s always important to do our best to blend in with the locals, and respect is such an important part of travel too :)

  3. Love your people photography … You really captured them ??

    • Thanks A! We loved spending time in Peru, the local communities were really fascinating :)

  4. Well, you forgot one of the most important “Do”… Do try the Peruvian food!
    It is simple amazing. From the Peruvian Ceviche to the Lomo Salteado thru the Suspiro Limeño, there is something for everyone.
    It is not casuality than in Lima you will find the best restaurants in Latin America.

    • Great addition Juan, we LOVED Peruvian food. It took me a little time to get used to Ceviche I’ll admit, but loved the seafood scene in Lima, and Pisco Sour became a favorite staple of our time :)

  5. I do recall Peruvians close talking to me – like the Seinfeld episode – when in Cusco and Lima, Ryan and Meg. Good to know. I am semi-fluent in Spanish so that came in handy during my 3 weeks in Peru. Definitely a spot where folks seem not to speak much English; unless it was just because I struck up convos in Spanish.

    • Hy Ryan (we have the same first name)

      Glad you enjoy the post

  6. Peru looks an amazing place to visit. I have a friend from Peru and we have planned a trip to go visit next summer.

    • Have a great trip Lewis! Visiting friends is always a great way to explore a country; you have a personal local tour guide automatically :D

  7. Most of us don’t know when we do

    • Very good point, often tourists are given a fairly wide tolerance in terms of cultural slip ups in most of the world.

  8. Not terrible, but I once bigged up Napoleon when chatting to someone in Portsmouth, where Horatio Nelson is revered. He was taken aback. The funny thing, I couldn’t care less for either leader ?‍♀️

    • Lol oops!!

  9. Should you wear shorts, tee shirts if hot or what are best clothes to take are you supposed to wear long sleeve shirts and slacks all the time? Going in October.

    • Hi Dennis, if you dress casually, keep your clothing simple, and don’t show too much skin, you’ll be fine in Peru. Jeans and a shirt, shorts and a t-shirt will be totally fine on a day to day basis in general – for religious events though, or if you’re entering sacred sites or churches, that’s when you’ll need to wear pants rather than shorts, shoes rather than sandals etc.

      You can’t go wrong if you go middle of the road and go for three quarter shorts that cover the knees, and shirts that cover the shoulders – that’s a pretty good middle of the road approach :)

      Have an amazing time in October!

    • Better, and suits nicer restaurants,people don’t respect too casual dressers like in USA.

  10. Hi! I’m Peruvian and tbh I think you can wear revealing clothes in cities but if you go to villages, are part of a religious event and/or enter sacred places like churches then wear modest clothing.
    You see a lot of people wearing t-shirts and jeans on the daily not because they’re modest but because people don’t really care about fashion and always dress super casual :)

    • Hi Silvana, thanks for sharing your local knowledge, that’s great added perspective to have about the mindset of why people wear jeans and t-shirts – I think it’s fantastic that people aren’t caught up in the mindset of worrying about what people think of fashion – it’s so freeing once you let those things go!

      Thanks for reading, and for your comment :)

  11. This post is a bit of a stretch. Sure, someone could get offended but most would not by the clothes or one finger gesture.

    • Thanks for sharing Rob, it’s always great to hear from other experiences too :) My approach has always been erring on the side of caution when it comes to cultural respect – it does always seem to depend on the person you interact with, and you never know how traditional / progressive / conservative that individual may be. But it’s great to hear that for the most part, it would be difficult to cause offence through clothing and the abovementioned hand gesture.

      Thanks for reading!

  12. I am from Peru and I must say that I feel a bit offended reading this.

    • Hi Alessia, if Ryan has made any points from his experiences which you don’t feel represent your region we would be happy for you to share what the local perspectives are instead.

  13. I’m from Peru and I really liked this post. Keep the good work?

    • Thanks Jose! Thanks for reading :)

  14. I am headed to Peru in December with a group from my church. I will be sharing all the helpful hints I have gleaned from your comments. Very helpful!

    • So glad to hear it was helpful Bob! I hope you have a wonderful time in Peru :)

  15. some truly wonderful work on behalf of the owner of this site, dead outstanding content material.

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