Wide Blue Yonder - Cineuropa

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by Robert Young


Wally promised his best friend of 40 years a burial at sea and he isn’t going to let the fact that he doesn’t have a boat, any money or, for that matter, a body, stop him from keeping his word. However, Ms Reimark, the administrator of the local retirement community where Wally lives, has other plans for him and the deceased

international title: Wide Blue Yonder
original title: Wide Blue Yonder
country: Norway, United Kingdom
sales agent: Moviehouse Entertainment
year: 2012
genre: fiction
directed by: Robert Young
film run: 86'
release date: NO 25/05/2012
screenplay: Hugh Janes
cast: Brian Cox, Lauren Bacall, James Fox, Hege Schøyen, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Kåre Conradi
cinematography by: Svein Krøvel
film editing: Jeremy Strachan
art director: Humphrey Jaeger
costumes designer: Alyson Ritchie
music: Bill Connor
producer: John Cairns, Stephen Cranny, Robert Young
production: Euromax Filmproduction, Wide Blue Films Ltd

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