The Fall of Eve (1929) - The A.V. Club
Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed.

The Fall of Eve

1h 7m


Patsy Ruth Miller (Eve Grant)Ford Sterling (Mr. Mack)Gertrude Astor (Mrs. Ford)Arthur Rankin (Tom Ford Jr)Jed Prouty (Tom Ford Sr)Betty Farrington (Mrs. Mack)Fred Kelsey (Cop)Hank Mann (Bob White)Jackie Taylor (Jackie Taylor - Violinist)Jack Hanlon (Little Boy)



Frank R. Strayer


Tom Ford, Jr., keeps secret his romance with his father's secretary, Eve Grant. Ford, Sr., enlists Eve to entertain out-of-town buyer Mr. Mack. When Mack's wife insists on joining the nightclub party, Eve is introduced as Mrs. Ford. While listening to a radio broadcast from the nightclub, Mrs. Ford is alarmed by the announcement that a certain dance tune has been requested by "Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ford." Ford enlists his son to help extricate him from his difficulties with the boorish couple. Tom agrees to help if Ford, Sr., will consent to his marriage. After the party moves to the Ford home, the intoxicated Mr. Mack and his corpulent wife decide to stay the night. As they are about to retire, Mrs. Ford returns and calls the police, having seen an unfamiliar figure raiding her icebox. Tom explains the situation to everyone's satisfaction and introduces Eve as his bride.

