Stella in Love (Stella est amoureuse) - Cineuropa

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by Sylvie Verheyde


For Stella, it’s her final year. But she doesn’t care about it! That year, she discovers the famous Parisian 80s club, the Bains Douches, and its crazy nights. Her friends are just studying, her father has left with another woman and her mother is depressed. And then there is André, beautiful, black and mysterious, who dances like a God... That year will decide her whole life. She pretends not to think about it...

international title: Stella in Love
original title: Stella est amoureuse
country: France
sales agent: WTFilms
year: 2022
genre: fiction
directed by: Sylvie Verheyde
film run: 110'
screenplay: William Wayolle
cast: Flavie Delangle, Marina Foïs, Benjamin Biolay
cinematography by: Léo Hinstin
film editing: William Wayolle
music: NousDeux The Band
producer: Thomas Verhaeghe, Mathieu Verhaeghe
production: Atelier de Production

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