Show and Tell Ideas - 100 Awesome Examples Your Kiddos Will Love ~ Super Mom Picks

Show and Tell Ideas – 100 Awesome Examples Your Kiddos Will Love

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Show and tell ideas can be hard to think of sometimes!

The show and tell activity is a great way to build a classroom community and grow the listening and speaking skills of students.  Teachers have used show and tell as a team-building activity for years and continue to do so even while school is virtual.  It is a chance for each student to gain the attention of their classmates to tell a story or share an adventure whether it be about their favorite book, furry friend, or their favorite item. 

Show and tell fosters team building, and students learn questioning techniques, participate in a class discussion, and cut their teeth on mastering how to answer questions about a topic that they are the expert on.  We just can’t say enough about the positive impact that show and tell has on children.

Whether your child is a preschooler, kindergartner, or elementary student show and tell is a day that they look forward to and remember.  The following list of ideas includes ideas for each month has a total of 100 show and tell ideas that your kiddo will love!  These can also work well for distance learning students as virtual show and tell ideas

Monthly Show And Tell Ideas

August Show and Tell

dachshund puppy
  1. An object you would take to the beach
  2. A picture of a place you would like to visit
  3. An item/picture of your favorite sport or hobby
  4. An object someone bought you from another country, state, or city
  5. A picture of your pet or a pet you would like to have
  6. A drawing of your favorite thing to do in the summer
  7. An example of a pattern

September Show and Tell

childrens book for show and tell
  1. Something that reminds you of summer vacation
  2. Your favorite book
  3. An item that is an oval 
  4. Your favorite fruit
  5. An item that starts with the letter “A”, as in apple
  6. A picture of someone special
  7. A picture of your favorite animal

October Show and Tell

stuffed toy animal
  1. An item or picture of a fireman or fire safety
  2. A sign of the fall season
  3. An item that is a triangle
  4. A picture or drawing of your favorite person
  5. A stuffed animal that makes you feel safe
  6. An item that an explorer may use (map, compass, etc.)
  7. Something spooky or Halloween related
  8. An item you found outside
  9. A magic trick

November Show and Tell

letter blocks for show and tell
  1. A picture or item that you are thankful for
  2. A picture of a drawing of your family
  3. Something from your favorite subject in school
  4. Something that represents your favorite sports team
  5. An item that begins with the same letter as your name
  6. Demonstrate an example of good manners
  7. A picture of you as a baby
  8. Your favorite outfit

December Show and Tell

flute musical instrument
  1. A holiday decoration
  2. A collection or part of a collection that you have
  3. A drawing of a silly snowman
  4. A picture or drawing of an activity you did outside
  5. Your favorite cup to drink out of
  6. Your favorite stuffed animal or other comfort items like a blanket
  7. Your favorite song or musical instrument

January Show and Tell

show and tell ideas
  1. Something with the new year printed on it
  2. An object that reminds you of winter
  3. Something shaped like a circle
  4. A picture/ copy of their favorite movie
  5. Your favorite word (share how many letters and what it means)
  6. An artifact from a family adventure
  7. A fact about an animal
  8. A mystery item in a paper bag (prepare 3 clues for your classmates)
  9. A drawing or picture of an animal that hibernates in the winter

February Show and Tell

coloring book
  1. An item or picture with a president on it
  2. An unusual rock
  3. A craft that you made
  4. A valentine for someone you care about
  5. A drawing of someone you care about
  6. An item that is a rectangle
  7. A drawing or picture of your favorite animal
  8. Something that represents your favorite color
  9. Two items that rhyme

March Show and Tell

spongebob for some of the best show and tell ideas
  1. An item that brings you good luck
  2. Something green
  3. A picture or drawing of their favorite TV show
  4. A gift you received for your birthday
  5. Your best work of art
  6. A family recipe
  7. An empty box of your favorite cereal
  8. Two items that are opposites (big/small, black/white)

April Show and Tell

numbers on sticky paper
  1. An object that can be recycled
  2. Funniest photo of yourself
  3. Your favorite bedtime book
  4. Show or tell one way to save the Earth
  5. Something with their favorite number on it
  6. A baggie filled with 10 of the same item
  7. A picture of your favorite spring activity
  8. Something special that a friend gave you
  9. A seed of some kind
  10. A special toy to share

May Show and Tell

sunflower for show and tell
  1. Something your mom/special person owned when she was young
  2. Your favorite nursery rhyme
  3. Something shaped like a square
  4. Your favorite snack (could be an empty box or picture)
  5. A colorful flower
  6. An item that is brightly colored
  7. Something that starts with the first letter of your name
  8. An object that a magician would use

June Show and Tell

  1. Your favorite school memory
  2. Something that reminds you of summer
  3. Something that can make a sound
  4. A special talent or show how to do something
  5. A drawing of what you want to be when you grow up
  6. A picture of your favorite food
  7. Something your dad/special person owned when he was young
  8. Your favorite drink (could be empty or a picture)
  9. Your most special hat or a pair of sunglasses

July Show and Tell

kids board game
  1. An American flag (picture or real)
  2. Something that floats
  3. Your favorite pair of socks
  4. Something that sinks
  5. Something that is round
  6. Something funny (joke, funny hat, etc.)
  7. An item of clothing you would wear in your favorite type of weather
  8. Your favorite board game
  9. A drawing of your favorite kind of ice cream

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