HRH Crown Prince Alexander sends his congratulations for the upcoming Easter to His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, Bishops, clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and all Orthodox believers worldwide.

“On behalf of the entire Royal Family of Serbia, as the Head of the Kardjordjevic Family, I send our most joyful and sincere wishes to all Orthodox believers worldwide, for the most glorious holiday of them all – Easter!

The essence of our holy faith lies within pure and honest love. As the greatest act of love, as its strongest proof, we are always pointing out the readiness to sacrifice and to give ourselves for the sake of those who we care about; not caring for our own wellbeing, so we can protect our loved ones, providing to their wellbeing and safety. Is there any greater act of love, than when the Son of our Lord suffered, in order to save the entire world, all His people. He had died and rose from the grave so that our sins could be atoned, and so that we all could be saved, and that the final victory of life over death, of good over evil could occur.

This sacred day, the feast of feasts, the Resurrection of Christ, is the greatest blessing we are receiving, the source of our strength to overcome all difficulties, but also the reminder to us all of everlasting God’s love that is leading and supporting us. When we stumble or fall, it is the Lord who holds us and lifts us. In each and every person’s heart, there is a spark of His love. Sometimes we must only give it a chance to flare up, so we can feel its warmth and grace.

My family and I wish you to spend the holidays with your family, friends, your neighbors, and fellow men in health, peace, prosperity, and happiness. With the greatest joy, I am saying the words of our traditional greetings – “Christ is risen!”, said HRH Crown Prince Alexander.