The Meaning Behind The Song: 1979 by Smashing Pumpkins - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: 1979 by Smashing Pumpkins

The Meaning Behind The Song: 1979 by Smashing Pumpkins

Smashing Pumpkins, a popular American alternative rock band in the early 1990s, is known for their deep and introspective lyrics laced with raw and catchy guitar riffs. One of their most famous and iconic songs, “1979,” encapsulates the carefree spirit of youth while also tapping into the darker, unanswered questions that come with growing up. In this article, we will delve into the meaning behind the song and what it means to its fans.

Life in the Suburbs

“1979” was written by Smashing Pumpkins frontman, Billy Corgan, in 1995. The lyrics chronicle the life of teenagers growing up in the suburbs, navigating through turbulent emotions and uncertainty. It speaks to a generation that came of age in a world that seemed both ever-changing and stagnant at the same time. “1979” is about looking back at youth through the lens of the present, with nostalgia mixed with regret and bittersweet reflections.

Corgan himself has commented on the meaning behind the song, stating that it’s an ode to his own childhood growing up in the suburbs of Chicago in the late 1970s. The repetitive chorus of “we don’t even care” suggests a sense of apathy, a feeling of being stuck in a mundane and uneventful existence. Despite this, the lyrics are also imbued with a sense of yearning for something more, something different.

The Paradox of Growing Up

One of the most poignant and evocative lines in the song is “the world is a vampire, sent to drain.” It speaks to the dual nature of growing up, where the excitement of new experiences can be weighed down by the knowledge that nothing lasts forever. As teenagers, we often feel like invincible warriors, but the song seems to be telling us to beware because the world is going to take its toll, whether we like it or not.

The song’s chorus echoes this same sentiment, with the repeated phrase “faster than the speed of sound.” It’s a powerful metaphor for how quickly life can pass us by, and how fleeting youth and its accompanying carefree spirit can be. The song acknowledges that, in spite of our best intentions, we can’t control the passage of time.

The Legacy of “1979”

“1979” is a song that has had a lasting impact on both fans and critics. It marked a significant departure from the angst and rage of Smashing Pumpkins’ earlier work, showcasing the band’s maturity and growth. Rolling Stone magazine ranked “1979” as one of the 500 greatest songs of all time, and it remains a fan favorite to this day, a staple of alternative radio stations and a go-to song for reliving the wild and carefree spirit of youth.

In an interview with MTV news, Corgan shared his thoughts on the song’s longevity. He said, “I think the reason people still connect with ‘1979’ is because it’s about that liminal space between childhood and adulthood. It’s about the fear, excitement, and sadness that comes with growing up.”

The Importance of Music in Our Lives

“1979” is more than just a song; it’s a reflection of the human condition. It captures the essence of what it means to be young and uncertain, navigating through the twists and turns of life’s journey. More than that, it’s a testament to the allure of music, how it can transport us to different times and places and evoke powerful emotions.

Music has the power to connect people across time and space, to bring joy and solace during the darkest moments in our lives. Smashing Pumpkins’ “1979” is just one example of how music can make us feel seen and understood, even in the midst of great uncertainty.


Smashing Pumpkins’ “1979” is a poignant and timeless tribute to the tumultuous years of youth. It reminds us that growing up is both a beautiful and painful journey, a journey that we must take and embrace with open hearts and minds. “1979” is a testament to the power of music, how a single song can mark a moment in time and offer solace and comfort to those who hear it.

Ultimately, “1979” is a song that speaks to a generation, a reminder that our experiences, struggles, and growth are universal. Despite its bittersweet lyrics, the song offers a message of hope, inspiring us to embrace the present moment and cherish the memories of the past.

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