The Dutch Giant smashes record for tallest professional bodybuilder | Guinness World Records

Breaking a world record wasn’t on Olivier Richters’ (Netherlands) bucket list.  

He never expected this “incredible opportunity”, but now the Dutch Giant is the tallest professional body builder (male) in the world. 

The actor, bodybuilder and fitness model is a staggering 218.3 cm (7 ft 1.9 in) tall, as verified in Eemnes, Netherlands, on April 2021.

However, Olivier, who works as a bodybuilder for the cinema industry, was initially unsure about accepting the title. 

"I said no because the definition of a bodybuilder is not clear. You got competitive bodybuilders (on stage competing) but also people who perform the sport for a different reason, like me as a profession/non-competitive for the film industry." 

 Therefore, Guinness World Records created two distinguished categories:   

  •  Tallest competitive bodybuilder 
  • Tallest non-competitive/professional bodybuilder 

It’s not difficult to imagine how Olivier earned the nickname "Dutch Giant": strolling down the streets, the bodybuilder towers over the crowd, turning heads thanks to his statuary presence and natural charisma. 

He adores spending time with his fans and, when one talks to him, he unveils a down-to-earth demeanor. 

Olivier Richters and a young fan

No surprise, then, that he caught the eye of the world in 2017, on the red carpet of the universally renewed Cannes Film Festival.  

There, the then-unknown aspiring actor walked down La Croisette amidst the greatest and shiniest of the cinema industry, paving his way to a successful career. 

Olivier’s portfolio is a volcano: it erupted in recent years and keeps bubbling.  

In 2020 he joined influencers in the official online promotion of the Viking-inspired latest title in the Assassin’s Creed saga, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Tallest Professional bodybuilder

The Dutch Giant is also taking over Hollywood. 

Olivier debuted on the silver screen in the role of Ursa in the 2021 movie Black Widow (United States, 2021), landing a spot in Disney’s acclaimed Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

Olivier also appears in Matthew Vaughn’s The King’s Man (United States and United Kingdom, 2021), and has a few other roles lined up too. 

Of course, he has to juggle nailing his auditions between plenty of hours exercising in the gym! 

After years of constant hard work and dedication, Olivier has grappled with many roles, sports (like kickboxing) and activities, keeping his many followers on their toes with a constant flow of new projects. 

Then, the unexpected: a Guinness World Records title. 

Another milestone in a career in full bloom, spanning through many different industries. 

“When I got the email from Guinness World Records saying if I wanted to hold the title, I screenshotted and sent it to everyone." – Olivier Richters

Olivier Richters, the tallest professional bodybuilder, with Maria Wattel, the tallest female professional bodybuilder

Olivier recounts the moment of being contacted by Guinness World Records with a subtle, almost shy smile on his face and a bright light in his eyes.  

"I know the book," he says: he used to read it as a child. Now, he can read it and see himself on the pages. 

You can read about Olivier’s record in Guinness World Records 2022, out now.