Live and Lead Mindfully

A to Zen helps busy and stressed people find the clarity, space, and energy they need to make the transformative changes they want.

“Coaching, somatics, and mindfulness have transformed my life, and I want to help others do the same.”

— April, founder of A to Zen

Mindful, Embodied,
& Wholehearted

My mission is to empower you from the inside out. I believe that everyone deserves to live a fulfilling life, and I am here to support you every step of the way. Through coaching, somatics, and mindfulness, I can help you lead mindfully, live embodied, and thrive wholeheartedly.

How We Help

What We Offer


Are you stuck, disconnected, or unsure of what you want next in your life or career? Coaching can help you befriend inner critics, connect with courage, and embody values to live authentically with purpose.


Are you feeling wired, tired, or tense but keep pushing through? Somatics can help you tune into the body-mind connection, manage stress, and expand your range of resilience to live with more vitality.


Are you distracted, scattered, or finding it hard to focus? Mindfulness can help you deepen awareness, foster focus, and cultivate compassion to live with presence and clarity in the age of distraction.

My Approach

  • I utilize mindfulness-based practices that foster non-judgmental awareness, compassion, and ease.

  • I hold a trauma-informed space of safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness, and empowerment.

  • I draw on evidence-based research from neuroscience, mindfulness, somatics, and psychology.

  • I use a whole-person integrative approach to engage the mind, body, and spirit relationship.

Meet April

Hi! I’m April.

Founder of A to Zen, PCC, CPCC

I am a mindful leadership & embodied life coach, trauma-informed somatic practitioner, and mindfulness teacher. 

I have two decades of experience in the design and tech industry as a contributor and leader, which shaped my professional career before becoming a coach — and three decades of body-mind practices shaped me as a person.  I have spent recent years studying somatic practices and deepening my knowledge of working with trauma.  It is the combination of these experiences and more that I bring into my coaching work.

I specialize in transformative coaching, somatic stress management, and imperfect mindfulness.  I use these skills to help busy and stressed people build a deeper understanding of themselves and expand their range of resilience so that they can live, lead, and achieve with greater intention and purpose. 

If this resonates with you, I'd love to chat with you!

Why I love this work

I am a complex trauma survivor who was wired for stress. I used my ability to withstand stressful situations to help me succeed in high-pressure industries…until it didn't. I was constantly busy, overworked, and striving for more. You might imagine where this story goes. I burned out. I needed to make a change.

My wish for wholeness and focus on helping others led me to coaching, mindfulness, and somatic work. The power of coaching helped me let go of being "the one" solving all the problems and instead empowering others. Mindfulness helped me have more self-compassion and understand myself better. Somatics taught me to listen to the inherent wisdom of my body.

My path to integration and wholeness continues as a daily practice; still, I am a happier, healthier, and more complete version of myself because of coaching, somatics, and mindfulness. The transformation I have experienced on the path to integration is what I hope to share with others; this is why I do this work.

What People Are Saying

Let’s Chat

Book your free, no-obligation 45-minute Discovery Session and let’s see how we can work together!