13 Intriguing Facts About Helen McCrory - Facts.net
Georgie Dee

Written by Georgie Dee

Modified & Updated: 22 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: People.com

When it comes to captivating performances and raw talent, few can match the extraordinary Helen McCrory. Known for her versatility and commanding screen presence, McCrory has captivated audiences with her memorable portrayals in film, television, and theater. But there’s much more to this remarkable actress than meets the eye. From her early career breakthroughs to her powerful performances in acclaimed roles, McCrory’s journey in the entertainment industry is filled with intriguing facts that reveal her depth and dedication. In this article, we will delve into 13 fascinating facts about Helen McCrory that shed light on her incredible career and personal life. So, sit back and prepare to discover some lesser-known aspects of this talented and enigmatic celebrity.

Key Takeaways:

  • Helen McCrory, a talented actress, was known for her roles in “Harry Potter” and “Peaky Blinders.” She was also a passionate advocate for refugee rights and supported various charitable causes.
  • McCrory’s remarkable career spanned stage, film, and television, earning her award nominations and critical acclaim. Her legacy as a versatile actress and humanitarian continues to inspire.
Table of Contents

Helen McCrory was born on August 17, 1968, in London, England.

With a remarkable career spanning stage, film, and television, Helen McCrory captivated audiences with her exceptional talent and magnetic presence.

She attended the Drama Centre London.

Helen McCrory honed her acting skills at the prestigious Drama Centre London, where she studied alongside notable actors such as Michael Fassbender and Tom Hardy.

Morrigan in the “Harry Potter” film series.

One of McCrory’s most memorable roles was portraying the enigmatic and seductive character of Bellatrix Lestrange’s sister, Narcissa Malfoy, in the “Harry Potter” film series.

She played the role of Polly Gray in the hit TV series “Peaky Blinders.”

Helen McCrory mesmerized audiences with her captivating performance as the fierce and intelligent Polly Gray in the critically acclaimed BBC series “Peaky Blinders.

McCrory was married to fellow actor Damian Lewis.

She shared a beautiful relationship with Damian Lewis, known for his roles in “Homeland” and “Billions,” creating a power couple admired by many in the entertainment industry.

First theatre performance at the age of 14.

Helen McCrory’s passion for acting was evident from a young age, as she made her theatrical debut at just 14 years old in a production of “The Importance of Being Earnest.

McCrory portrayed Cherie Blair in two different films.

Her versatility as an actress shone through as she expertly portrayed Cherie Blair, the wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in both “The Queen” and “The Special Relationship.

She received numerous award nominations throughout her career.

Helen McCrory’s exceptional talent was recognized by her peers, resulting in several award nominations, including a Laurence Olivier Award nomination for her role in “As You Like It.”

Advocate for refugee rights.

Beyond her acting achievements, McCrory was passionate about using her platform to raise awareness about refugee rights, working closely with organizations such as the United Nations Refugee Agency.

She lent her voice to several audiobooks.

McCrory’s distinctive voice and captivating narration skills brought life to numerous audiobooks, showcasing her versatility and ability to engage listeners.

She supported various charitable causes.

Helen McCrory was actively involved in supporting charitable organizations, including the Prince’s Trust, Shelter, and Children and the Arts.

McCrory was involved in the theater production of “Medea.”

Her portrayal of the title character in the play “Medea” at the National Theatre received critical acclaim, further solidifying her reputation as a formidable stage actress.

She passed away on April 16, 2021.

The world mourned the loss of Helen McCrory, a remarkable talent whose impact on the entertainment industry will be remembered for generations to come.


In conclusion, Helen McCrory was a multi-talented actress who left a lasting impact on the entertainment industry. From her mesmerizing performances on stage to her memorable roles on the big screen, she showcased her versatility and immense talent. Her dedication, passion, and commitment to her craft made her a beloved figure in the industry.Through her work, she broke barriers and shattered stereotypes, portraying complex and compelling characters that resonated with audiences around the world. Helen McCrory’s legacy will live on through her impressive body of work and the inspiration she provided to aspiring actors and actresses.Her untimely passing in 2021 was a tragic loss for the entertainment industry, leaving behind a void that will be difficult to fill. However, her contributions and impact will continue to be celebrated and remembered for years to come.


Q: What is Helen McCrory best known for?

A: Helen McCrory is best known for her role as Narcissa Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series and for portraying Polly Gray in the hit TV series Peaky Blinders.

Q: What awards did Helen McCrory win?

A: Helen McCrory won several awards throughout her career, including the Critics’ Circle Theatre Award for Best Actress and the London Evening Standard Theatre Award for Best Actress.

Q: Did Helen McCrory have any notable stage performances?

A: Yes, Helen McCrory had an extensive theater career and delivered remarkable performances in plays such as Medea, The Deep Blue Sea, and Uncle Vanya.

Q: What other notable films or TV shows did Helen McCrory appear in?

A: Apart from Harry Potter and Peaky Blinders, Helen McCrory appeared in films like The Queen, Skyfall, and Their Finest, as well as TV shows like Penny Dreadful and Quiz.

Q: Did Helen McCrory receive recognition for her contributions to the arts?

A: Absolutely, Helen McCrory was awarded Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2017 for her services to drama.

Helen McCrory's life and career were truly remarkable, from her captivating performances on stage and screen to her unwavering dedication to charitable causes. Her marriage to Damian Lewis was a testament to their shared passion for the arts, while her portrayal of British actresses like Cherie Blair showcased her incredible range and talent. McCrory's contributions to the Harry Potter series and "Peaky Blinders" will forever be remembered by fans worldwide, cementing her legacy as one of the most beloved and respected figures in the entertainment industry.

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