Hugh Ross - Reasons to Believe

Hugh Ross

Founder and senior scholar

Reasons to Believe emerged from my passion to research, develop, and proclaim compelling new reasons to believe in Jesus Christ as Creator, Lord, and Savior and to use these new reasons to help people put their trust in him. I am eager to equip Christians to engage in conversation with science-minded non-Christians, rather than to withdraw or go on the attack. With the help of my RTB colleagues, I’ve been working to develop a biblical creation model that is testable and predictive.

I especially enjoy integrating the content of the Bible—all 66 books—with the findings reported in multiple science journals. This process leads to fresh insight and application. The words of 1 Peter 3:15–16 express my core values and ministry goal: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience.”

One of the approaches I’ve developed […] is a biblical creation model that is testable, falsifiable, and predictive.


Hugh Ross is founder and senior scholar of Reasons to Believe, an organization dedicated to communicating the compatibility of science and the Christian faith.

While in college, Hugh committed his life to Jesus Christ after his study of cosmology convinced him of the existence of a Creator, specifically the God of the Bible.

Hugh holds a degree in physics from the University of British Columbia and a PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto. After five years on the Caltech faculty, he transitioned to full-time ministry and still serves on the pastoral team at Christ Church Sierra Madre. His writings include journal and magazine articles, hundreds of blogs, and numerous books—Why the Universe Is the Way It Is, Improbable Planet, Designed to the Core and Rescuing Inerrancy, among others.

He has spoken on hundreds of university campuses as well as at conferences and churches around the world and participates in the weekly Stars, Cells, and God podcast.

Upcoming Events

See events with Hugh Ross and the Reasons to Believe Scholar Team here.

Promotional Items

Download the latest photos of Hugh Ross. A variety of styles and poses are available to use for outreach event publicity or in conjunction with a media interview.


One Sheet


View video clips taken from outreach events, Q&A sessions, and ministry resources.


Listen to audio clips originally recorded during outreach events, podcasts, and previous monthly partner



Hugh Ross is founder and senior scholar of Reasons to Believe, an organization dedicated to communicating the compatibility of science and the Christian faith.

While in college, Hugh committed his life to Jesus Christ after his study of cosmology convinced him of the existence of a Creator, specifically the God of the Bible.

Hugh holds a degree in physics from the University of British Columbia and a PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto. After five years on the Caltech faculty, he transitioned to full-time ministry and still serves on the pastoral team at Christ Church Sierra Madre. His writings include journal and magazine articles, hundreds of blogs, and numerous books—Why the Universe Is the Way It Is, Improbable Planet, Designed to the Core and Rescuing Inerrancy, among others.

He has spoken on hundreds of university campuses as well as at conferences and churches around the world and participates in the weekly Stars, Cells, and God podcast.

Upcoming Events

See events with Hugh Ross and the Reasons to Believe Scholar Team here.

Promotional Items

Download the latest photos of Hugh Ross. A variety of styles and poses are available to use for outreach event publicity or in conjunction with a media interview.


One Sheet


View video clips taken from outreach events, Q&A sessions, and ministry resources.


Listen to audio clips originally recorded during outreach events, podcasts, and previous monthly partner


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