
12 Best The Byrds Love Songs

12 Best The Byrds Love Songs

The Byrdsş is a band that has been touted as America’s answer to The Beatles. The founders of the band have sometimes explained that they started to make “beatles-style music”. They even chose their name with a beatles style pun. This week we compiled best The Byrds love songs for you

The Byrds Love Songs

1- “You Won’t Have to Cry”

A comforting promise of support and reassurance to a loved one.

2- “The World Turns All Around Her”

A song about the disorienting power of love and attraction.

3- “Here Without You”

4- “Set You Free This Time”

5- “She Don’t Care About Time”

A tribute to a free-spirited woman and the timeless nature of their love.

6- “Love That Never Dies”

An exploration of the emptiness felt when a loved one leaves.

7- “If You’re Gone”

8- “Lady Friend”

An energetic song expressing appreciation and affection for a romantic partner.

9- “Goin’ Back”

10- “Ballad of Easy Rider”

A beautiful, poetic love song tied to themes of freedom and adventure.

11- “Kathleen’s Song”

A tender, heartfelt tribute to a woman named Kathleen, full of love and appreciation.

12- “I’ll Feel a Whole Lot Better”

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