The Meaning Behind The Song: The Highwayman by Jimmy Webb - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: The Highwayman by Jimmy Webb

The Meaning Behind The Song: The Highwayman by Jimmy Webb

Jimmy Webb’s “The Highwayman” is a ballad that tells the story of a highwayman who robs travelers to help the love of his life, Bess, who is “above” his station. It is a tragic tale of love, betrayal, and redemption that resonates with listeners across the years. The song has been covered by many artists, including Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, and Glen Campbell, among others.

The Lyrics

The song is divided into four verses, each one describing the life and death of a highwayman. The chorus repeats the line “But the highwayman came riding, riding, riding,” emphasizing the inevitability of his fate.

The first verse introduces us to the highwayman, a man who “came riding” on a “moonlit night.” He is described as a romantic figure, with his “coat of the claret velvet” and his “breeches of brown doe-skin.” He is a charismatic figure, able to charm those he robs with his “black-eyed” looks and his “rapier hilt.”

The second verse introduces Bess, the love of the highwayman’s life. She is described as a “black-eyed” beauty who is “above” the highwayman’s station. Despite their difference in social status, the two are united by their love for each other. Bess is the reason why the highwayman robs travelers, to provide for her.

The third verse introduces Tim, a jealous stablehand who is in love with Bess. He is determined to bring the highwayman to justice and win Bess’s heart. He sends a letter to the soldiers, telling them that the highwayman will be at the inn that night.

The fourth verse describes the highwayman’s death. He is ambushed by the soldiers, who shoot him as he tries to escape. Bess hears the shots and realizes what has happened. She goes to the window, where she sees the ghost of the highwayman riding off into the night. She then takes her own life, unable to live without her love.

The Meaning

At its heart, “The Highwayman” is a love story. It tells the tale of two people from different social classes who fall in love with each other. The highwayman is willing to risk his life for Bess, robbing travelers to provide for her. His love for her is so strong that he is willing to die for her.

The song also explores the themes of jealousy and betrayal. Tim’s jealousy of the highwayman leads him to betray him to the soldiers, resulting in his death. Bess’s decision to take her own life is a reflection of her betrayal by Tim and her inability to live without the love of the highwayman.

Overall, the song is a powerful reflection on the power of love, the consequences of jealousy and betrayal, and the inevitability of fate.

The Lyrics and the Music

One of the things that makes “The Highwayman” such a powerful song is the way the lyrics and the music work together. The melody is haunting and memorable, with its simple, repetitive structure and plaintive chords. This melody is the perfect backdrop for the tragic story that the lyrics tell.

Webb’s lyrics are rich with detail and emotion, painting a vivid picture of the characters and their lives. The repetition of the chorus and the use of the same melody throughout the song emphasize the sense of inevitability that permeates the story, creating a powerful sense of tragedy.

The Impact of the Song

“The Highwayman” has had a lasting impact on popular culture, both in its original form and in the many covers that have been recorded over the years. The song has been covered by artists from a wide range of genres, from country to rock to folk.

One of the most famous covers of the song was recorded by Johnny Cash in 1979. Cash’s deep, resonant voice gave the song a new dimension of power and emotion, and his version is widely considered to be one of the definitive recordings of the song.

In addition to its impact on popular music, “The Highwayman” has also been the subject of numerous adaptations in other media. The story has been turned into a play, a musical, and a graphic novel, among other forms.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the story behind the song “The Highwayman”?

“The Highwayman” is a ballad that tells the story of a highwayman who robs travelers to provide for the love of his life, Bess, who is “above” his station. The song explores themes of love, betrayal, and fate.

2. Who wrote “The Highwayman”?

“The Highwayman” was written by Jimmy Webb, a songwriter and composer who is best known for his work in the 1960s and 1970s.

3. Who has covered “The Highwayman”?

“The Highwayman” has been covered by many artists over the years, including Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Glen Campbell, and Loreena McKennitt, among others.

4. What inspired Jimmy Webb to write “The Highwayman”?

According to Webb, the song was inspired by a painting he saw in a hotel room. The painting depicted a highwayman riding through the night, and Webb was struck by the image and the potential for a story.

5. What are some of the key themes in “The Highwayman”?

“The Highwayman” explores themes of love, betrayal, jealousy, and fate. It is a tragic tale of two people from different social classes who fall in love and are ultimately betrayed by a jealous rival.

6. What is the significance of the song’s repetitive structure?

The repetitive structure of the song emphasizes the sense of inevitability and fate that pervades the story. The same melody is used throughout the song, creating a sense of continuity and repetition.

7. What is the impact of Johnny Cash’s cover of “The Highwayman”?

Cash’s cover of “The Highwayman” is widely considered to be one of the definitive recordings of the song. His deep, resonant voice and emotional delivery add a new dimension of power to the already haunting lyrics.

8. Why is “The Highwayman” still popular today?

“The Highwayman” remains popular today because it is a timeless story of love and tragedy that resonates with listeners across generations. The song explores themes that are still relevant today, including the power of love and the consequences of betrayal.

9. What are some other songs that explore similar themes as “The Highwayman”?

Other songs that explore similar themes include “The House of the Rising Sun” by The Animals, “Me and Bobby McGee” by Kris Kristofferson, and “The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll” by Bob Dylan.

10. What is the legacy of “The Highwayman”?

“The Highwayman” has left a lasting legacy in popular culture, both in its original form and in the many covers and adaptations that have been recorded over the years. The song has become a classic example of storytelling in song.

11. What can we learn from “The Highwayman”?

“The Highwayman” teaches us about the power of love and the consequences of betrayal. It is a cautionary tale about the dangers of jealousy and the importance of staying true to our values and beliefs.

12. Why is “The Highwayman” considered a classic?

“The Highwayman” is considered a classic because it is a timeless story of love, tragedy, and redemption that resonates with listeners across generations. The song’s haunting melody and vivid lyrics have made it a favorite among musicians and fans alike, cementing its place in popular culture.

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