Reliance Retail

JioMart Digital

JioMart Digital is your neighbourhood mobile & consumer electronics store that offers a wide range of products across all electronics categories including Smartphones, TV & Audio, Air-Conditioners, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens, Small Domestic Appliances, Laptops & Tablets, Audio Enhancements, Storage, Wearables, Power & other accessories.

JioMart Digital has over 100K+ retail partner stores across both urban and rural India. Its retail network is expanding rapidly to cover all major districts & talukas across the country. JioMart Digital offers Reliance Retail’s assurance, assortment, great prices, offers, finance options, door-step delivery & all post purchase services including service and maintenance to the consumers.

JioMart Digital Partner Stores provide the perfect amalgamation of retailer trust & online ease of product discovery, comparison and offers to its consumers. The partner stores are enabled with an Assisted Selling Product Catalogue through which consumers can evaluate, compare and order the complete range of electronic products from the store. The store guides the consumer in making the correct product selection with great price, offers and finance options. The products ordered are delivered directly at the consumer’s home. Installation services, after sales service support and extended warranty are also provided via Reliance ResQ.

JioMart Digital Partner Stores extend the Reliance trust factor and always leave a smile on the faces of the consumers.