Baby Blue Color - Hex, RGB, CMYK, Pantone | Color Codes - U.S. Brand Colors

Baby Blue Color


Baby blue is an adorable color which gives a feeling of youthfulness and purity. A member of the blue shades family, baby blue’s hex code is #89CFF0. As the name suggests, the color baby blue is associated with babies and newborns, sometimes used as a color for their rooms or their clothes.

Baby Blue Color

Baby Blue Color Code

The following table with the hex, RGB, and CMYK color codes for baby blue is particularly useful for those in web design or related industries.

Hex: #89CFF0
RGB: 137 207 240
CMYK: 43 14 0 6

Baby Blue vs Sky blue

Both baby blue and sky blue are shades of light blue, but they are different. Baby blue is paler and less saturated compared to sky blue.

What Colors Go With Baby Blue?

Baby blue can be paired with warm and cool shades of green, such as Kelly green and mint green, to create a soothing and calming color scheme. Other popular complements for baby blue include pink, peach, yellow, and white. To summarize, the colors that go with baby blue are: