Craig T. Nelson sick and tired of paying taxes. "I've been on food stamps and welfare. Did anybody help me out? No!" : r/politics Skip to main content

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Craig T. Nelson sick and tired of paying taxes. "I've been on food stamps and welfare. Did anybody help me out? No!"

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u/ITdude472 avatar

"I've been on food stamps and welfare. Did anybody help me out? No!"

It only takes 2 sentences for this man to contradict himself, is that some kind of record?


People have done it in one before but this still deserves an honorable mention.


W: "I'm a 'compassionate conservative.'"


I may sound stupid but isn't it three sentences?

  1. I've been on food stamps and welfare.

  2. Did anybody help me out?

  3. No!

He contradicted something he said within two sentences of saying it.

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u/syroncoda avatar

its because he's retarded.

u/ST2K avatar

OK, now my nose knows what iced tea tastes like.

u/mailinator1138 avatar

Well, he IS Mr. Incredible.

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u/khafra avatar

A great lens into the way the anti-tax types see the world. "I'm a self-made man! I earned everything I've got, I've never asked for a handout! Why's the government forcibly taking my hard-earned money without providing me anything in return?"


You have to keep in mind these are people who have never made use of the interstate system, never sent their kids to public school, and never take advantage of the freedom our national defense affords them.

u/EatSleepJeep avatar

They've obviously never flushed a toilet or walked at night under streetlights. And those pesky traffic lights that allow them safe passage? WASTEFUL!


"never take advantage of the freedom our national defense affords them."

upvoted for humor.

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u/johnthedrunk avatar

Who do you think paid your salary, Coach?

u/IrishJoe avatar

Thank God the magic fairy pays the money that goes into food stamps and welfare and it doesn't come out of our taxes. Wait..

u/Taughtology avatar

"If I start a business [combining one of the nation's largest lenders with one of the world's biggest insurers], are they going to prevent me from going bankrupt? [PROBABLY!]"


u/millstone avatar

Craig is saying "They [the bailed out businesses] should be allowed to go bankrupt!" Presumably instead of being bailed out.

But of course Chrysler DID go bankrupt, and GM is about to go bankrupt, and and many banks did too, and were either acquired or exploded with a burst of economy-shredding shrapnel.

These bailouts are about damage mitigation. They're keeping the companies afloat in a life raft, not a yacht, often just enough to ensure they can go bankrupt under chapter 11 instead of chapter 7.

We tried it his way with Lehman Brothers. By all accounts it was a costly mistake.

u/db2 avatar

These bailouts are about damage mitigation.

Then why are so many people still getting damaged by the bailed-out companies?

They're keeping the companies afloat in a life raft, not a yacht

If I ever get stranded in a life raft I sure hope I have caviar and expensive "escorts" like AIG in theirs.

u/fantasticFlan avatar

You might want to look up mitigate.

u/zodirento avatar

is that like litigate?

u/db2 avatar

I passed basic English as a child thank you very much, smartass.

If mitigation were the true goal there would be fewer people getting financially assfucked, not more.

u/chicofaraby avatar

fewer than what?

u/db2 avatar

Fewer than there are. Fewer than there would have been had the banks been allowed to fail as they deserved to.

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u/cherrysweet00 avatar

CtN is a douchebag.


He said two mutually exclusive sentences consecutively. Did he contradict himself? No!

u/thegreatgazoo avatar

There are a lot of us who don't mind paying a reasonable amount of tax to support the basics of society.

However, it does gall us when people and corporations take advantage of the system and have politicians who think that the tax base is an endless supply of cash to pay for whatever wacky plan they come up with to buy someone else's vote.

For instance, I don't mind helping someone who is down. I do mind enabling people to be 'down' for generations.

u/Saikou avatar

Yes, but the real crime is the high number of large corporations pay no Federal income taxes. ( I don't mind paying taxes to support programs that help out the poor, even those who are in your words, down for generations, but I do mind that so many rich people and corporations avoid paying income tax. It isn't like most people on welfare want to be there, and the claim that poor people are lazy or out to game the system just isn't supported by the facts. Neoncons use the false claims about the poor to distract people from the real issue: We are letting corporations get away with avoiding paying income taxes, which amounts to billions lost. Welfare programs will always be needed, and most people on welfare are using it for a short period of time.

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u/Windows7Rules avatar

The stupidity fucking hurts.

u/ST2K avatar

Right. But it hurts the powerless the worst.

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Isn't welfare and food stamps 'help'?

u/randomstumbl avatar

I can't tell because of the editing, but I think he was arguing that his business wasn't bailed out. It's hard to tell because of the quick cut right after he finishes that sentence.


ahh.. ok.. makes sense..

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u/fwork avatar

Mike Nelson shouldn't have to pay taxes. I don't know about Craig.

u/CommentMan avatar

Oi! Yer makin' me eyes get all MiSTie!

u/Drooperdoo avatar

Once again, it relies on an informed person to point out to the rest of you: Federal taxes don't go toward one single nickel of what you THINK taxes pay for. 100% of federal taxes go to pay off the interest on the loans we get from the Federal Reserve. 100%. Reagan had a committee look into it, audit it and prove it. Subsequent audits have shown that there's been no change. Federal taxes DO NOT pay for infrastructure, school building, healthcare benefits, repairing roads, etc. So stop the b.s. propaganda that "paying the federal income tax" helps pay for infrastructure. It doesn't. Educate yourself. Stop the banksters from conning you and robbing you.

u/scatgreen2 avatar

Money is fungible, genius.


Satire? Moonbat? I can't tell.

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u/acegibson avatar

Nelson comes dangerously close to causing another Hypocritical Singularity similar to the one created by Texas Governor Rick Perry during the recent Swine Flu scare.


Beck sure does make himself look appealing to conservative libertarians. Just a warning: this is the guy who called libertarians dangerous terrorists and said they should be locked up. He co-opted the originally grassroots Tea-Parties and made them a "Republican" event - which in turn allows the Democrats/ Liberal media to play it off like one.

Even if he's singing your song, don't trust him.


Also: Scientologist.


I'm looking for info to confirm this online but can't find anything solid. Can you provide links?


I don't know if you trust wikipedia or not.


The only Beck I see is the band; nothing on Glenn Beck.


Oh you're talking about Glenn Beck. That makes a lot of sense now...

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u/Gmanskl avatar

That's pretty classic... Sad, but classic...

u/multirachael avatar

As per the comments immediately under the video, I hope to soon be holding auditions for "The Fiscally Responsible Grandfathers: a Barbershop Quartet." Please bring your own handlebar mustache.


The irony is strong on that title.