ROPE | significado, definición en el Cambridge English Dictionary

Significado de rope en inglés

Ejemplos de rope

The soldiers now trooped out, ranged in four files opposite to the palace, radiating away from the pole to stand holding the ropes.
All young, upcoming talent needs people expert in their fields to show them the ropes.
Once he learns the ropes, his f uture books may be less hectoring, and he may come across as less uninformed.
During his exercise lessons, he used jump ropes along with the chest expanders and clubs and scepters for helping students strengthen their arms and hands.
Readers, roped together behind their erstwhile guides, set off with confidence that the route is well-prepared and that new topographical features will be drawn to their attention.
Two groups were pulling each of the chariots with two long ropes, guided by two smaller groups who manoeuvred the direction of the wheels with two shorter ropes.
She was a difficult toddler; her parents tied her and her sister to their beds, restrained them with ropes and chains, and locked them in closets.
Unweaned calves are tied by ropes.
Fences (80 cm in height) used to enclose quadrats were made of flexible fine plastic mesh sheets attached to plastic ropes at the top and metal chains at the bottom.
Over time, each manufacturer learned the ropes of heavily regulated markets and adapted sales and marketing strategies to the prevailing regulatory framework in existence in each country.
Echoing the tangle of ropes at the beginning of the novel, entanglement again serves as emblem of indeterminacy - of the unpredictable and unknowable in a world of mixed phenomena.
In the volador ceremony, several individuals, whose feet were tied to long ropes wrapped around a tall pole, leapt off the pole to "fly" in circles as the ropes unwound.
The only radical solution is to cut the ropes tying it to the fake, blowing it to pieces and putting the pieces together, in a new and revealing configuration.
Traps were made of square pieces of large-mesh polyethylene fabric tied by ropes to four neighbouring live trees, at about 1.5 m above ground to avoid disturbances by large mammals.
However, reliable nannies, mostly young women from the countryside, are hard to recruit and keep, once they have learned the ropes about life in the city.
Cualquier opinión en los ejemplos no representa la opinión de los editores del Cambridge Dictionary o de Cambridge University Press o de sus licenciantes.

Colocaciones con rope


Estas palabras suelen utilizarse con rope.

Haga clic en una colocación para ver más ejemplos de la misma.

bell rope
All lead up to a partitioned room where the bell rope hangs through a hole in the ceiling.
Este ejemplo es de Wikipedia y puede reutilizarse bajo una licencia CC BY-SA.
hemp rope
With the exception of controlled establishments producing hemp rope as well as wire, the answer is in the affirmative so far as women workers are concerned.
Hansard archive
Ejemplo del archivo Hansard. Contiene información parlamentaria autorizada bajo la Licencia Parlamento Abierto v3.0
knotted rope
The tomb was closed with a knotted rope, and the rope impressed with a clay seal.
Este ejemplo es de Wikipedia y puede reutilizarse bajo una licencia CC BY-SA.
Estos ejemplos son del Cambridge English Corpus y de fuentes en la web. Cualquier opinión en los ejemplos no representa la opinión de los editores del Diccionario de Cambridge o de Cambridge University Press o sus licenciantes.

Traducciones de rope

en chino (tradicional)
粗繩, 纜繩, 繩索…
en chino (simplificado)
粗绳, 缆绳, 绳索…
en español
cuerda, cuerda [feminine, singular]…
en portugués
in more languages
en japonés
en turco
en francés
en catalán
en árabe
en checo
en danés
en indonesio
en tailandés
en vietnamita
en polaco
en malayo
en alemán
en noruego
en coreano
en italiano
en ruso
綱, ロープ…
halat, ip, urgan…
corde [feminine], corde, attacher avec une corde…
lano, (při)vázat, chytit do lasa…
reb, -reb, tov…
tambang, mengikatkan, menjerat…
เชือก, มัดด้วยเชือก, จับด้วยเชือก…
dây chão, buộc bằng dây chão, bắt bằng dây thòng lọng…
lina, przywiązywać (liną )…
tali, mengikat, menangkap…
das Seil, festbinden, einfangen…
tau [neuter], rep [neuter], tau…
fune, corda, legare…
веревка, связывать веревкой…
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