A Bear's Tail - Exclusive Backstage Footage

A Bear's Tail - Exclusive Backstage Footage

A Bears TailFrom the creators of the BAFTA nominated, award winning Bo’ Selecta!, the hugely popular comedy series A Bear’s Tail lands on DVD this autumn with the release of 2-disc DVD set containing the complete first series and a stack of DVD extras.

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With over two hours of exclusive DVD extras, including the festive introduction to the series A Bear’s Christmas Tail, Corey Haim's movie quiz, Bear-hind the scenes footage, outtakes and deleted scenes, the 2-disc set will also be available in limited edition furry packaging.

In the series, we see how everyone’s favourite talking Bear is getting along with his new sit-com family and how Patsy Kensit the Bear’s adopted mum and her boyfriend, played by Sean Pertwee are learning to cope with the new furry addition to the family.

A Bears Tail Backstage Feature, WMP, Small

A Bears Tail Backstage Feature, WMP, Medium

A Bears Tail Backstage Feature, QuickTime, Small

A Bears Tail Backstage Feature, QuickTime, Medium

A Bear’s Tail takes the traditional sit-com format and trashes it. The Bear, realising he’s in a sit-com and with the help of a scriptwriter played by Dexter Fletcher, makes up the rules as he goes along. The first thing written into the show is satellite TV, bringing with it a number of film and TV spoofs starring Avid Merrion and Bo’Selecta! rubber masked favourites Craig David, Michael Jackson, Mel B and Trisha.

As well as cameo appearances from celebrities including Kelly Osborne, Bob Mortimer, Dermot O’Leary, Kirsty Gallacher and Jordan, Leigh Francis also brings a host of new characters to life. These include nosey neighbour Sue Dales, a Scottish transsexual living with fellow transsexual Dave Ian McCall (played by Davina McCall), Keith Lemon, entrepreneur and lady’s man and Asian film nerd Corey Haim.

A Bear’s Tail is a Bellyache production written by Leigh Francis, produced and directed by Ben Palmer with John Noel as executive producer.

A Bear’s Tail DVD Details

Released: 26th September 2005
Format: 2-disc DVD + limited edition fur packaging
Running Time: Over 4 hours (exact time tbc)
Cert: 15 tbc
Price: DVD �21.99rrp
VHS: �15.99rrp

A Bear’s Tail DVD Extras

- A Bear’s Christmas Tail
- Bear-hind the scenes
- Corey Haim's Movie Quiz
- Outtakes
- Trailers
- Deleted scenes
- Conceptual Art
- Loudmouth Soup "Skydiver" Music Video
- Lemony Snippets

What the press has said about A Bear’s Tail

�Bizarre yet hilarious sitcom� Nuts magazine

�Just watch it� Zoo magazine

�Best not viewed with your granny� Red magazine

�Sounds proper Bo’ to us� Daily Star

�Inspired character comedy� Financial Times

�Definitely worth tuning in� The Guardian Guide