The Meaning Behind The Song: Who Has Seen the Wind? by Yoko Ono - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Who Has Seen the Wind? by Yoko Ono


The Meaning Behind The Song: Who Has Seen the Wind? by Yoko Ono

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Who Has Seen the Wind? Yoko Ono Yoko Ono Wedding Album (1969) February 6, 1970 Pop John Lennon


“Who Has Seen the Wind?” is a song based on a Christina Rossetti poem. It was performed and written by Yoko Ono and acted as a B-Side to “Instant Karma,” which was sung by her late husband John Lennon. The song was released on February 6, 1970, as part of the Wedding Album.

The Meaning Behind the Lyrics

The song opens with the repeating lines, “Who has seen the wind? / Neither you nor I / But when the trees bow down their heads / The wind is passing by.” These lyrics reflect the intangible nature of the wind, something that cannot be seen but is experienced through its effects. The wind is a metaphor for love and the connection between people.

Yoko Ono goes on to sing, “Oh, wind, wind / Wind, wind, wind / Who has seen enough? / Only me and John / But when a smile goes ’round the world / Our love is catching on.” Here, she emphasizes the power of love and smiles to transcend boundaries and spread positivity. The reference to “me and John” likely alludes to the deep bond and love shared between Yoko Ono and John Lennon.

The second verse continues with the theme of unity and shared experiences. Ono sings, “Who has seen your dream? / Only you and him / But when the world gets bright and clear / You know that we were there.” This suggests that everyone has their unique dreams and experiences, but when positive change occurs in the world, love and support are present, echoing the idea of collective empathy and interconnectedness.

Personal Connection

“Who Has Seen the Wind?” holds special meaning for me as it reminds me of the power of love and its ability to transcend physical boundaries. The lyrics resonate with my own experiences of feeling a deep connection with someone even when they are not physically present.

Listening to this song takes me back to moments when I have shared smiles, dreams, and love with someone special in my life. It serves as a reminder that love can have a profound impact not only on individuals but also on the world as a whole. The sentiment expressed in the lyrics encourages me to spread positivity and love, knowing that even seemingly small gestures can have a ripple effect and make a difference.

The simplicity of Yoko Ono’s lyrics and the ethereal melody create a sense of peacefulness and introspection. The repetition of certain lines adds to the meditative quality of the song, allowing the listener to reflect on the deeper meaning behind the words.

Overall, “Who Has Seen the Wind?” is a beautiful and thought-provoking song that invites listeners to contemplate the intangible aspects of life, such as love and connection. It serves as a reminder that the wind, like love, may not be seen, but its impact can be felt in the world.


Yoko Ono’s “Who Has Seen the Wind?” is a poetic exploration of love, connection, and the invisible forces that shape our experiences. The song’s gentle melody and insightful lyrics encourage listeners to reflect on the intangible aspects of life and the power of shared experiences. Whether you interpret the wind as a metaphor or simply appreciate the song’s calming ambiance, it is a beautiful piece that offers a moment of contemplation and appreciation for the power of love.

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