Jagathy Sreekumar meets press after long hiatus, reacts to queries | Entertainment News | English Manorama

Jagathy Sreekumar meets press after long hiatus, reacts to queries

Jagathy Sreekumar
The media gathered at Jagathy Sreekumar's (C) residence as the the director of the film K Madhu visited the actor to share the success celebrations of the latest movie in the CBI series, 'CBI 5: The Brain'.

In his first ever media interaction after years of recuperation and rest, actor Jagathy Sreekumar responded to the queries by moving his mouth. When some one from the media asked him, "shouldn't we watch CBI?" the legendary actor nodded his head and said, "Yes, we'll go" in Malayalam by moving his mouth.

The media gathered at his residence as director K Madhu visited the actor to share the success of the latest movie in the CBI series, 'CBI 5: The Brain'.

Jagathy, who played the role of Vikram in the prequels of the iconic series, has appeared in the latest franchise too, playing a prominent part. The scenes in which Jagathy appeared were greeted with deafening applause in the theatres.

Though his voice is not heard, his reaction to the questions is now viral on the internet. It hints a strong comeback by the veteran actor.

Talking about Jagathy's comeback, Madu assured, 'an active presence of Ambili Chettan (Jagathy Sreekumar) in cinema from now on.'

"I am sitting here with great pleasure and pride. I am also happy about celebrating the success of the film with Ambili chettan. He was there in my mind ever since I thought of 'CBI 5'. He had experimented different styles in the four previous parts. It was Mammootty, S N Swamy and myself who discussed about having Jagathy Sreekumar on board and each one of us were particular about having a prominent role for him in this film too. He was called from Thiruvananthapuram to Kochi to shoot those scenes.

"I am at a loss for words as I hear people across the globe are cheering while watching those scenes.” Madhu said and acknowledged his gratitude towards the viewers, especially the family audience, for making 'CBI 5' a success.

The director also hinted the possibility of 'CBI 6' by saying that in the CBI series a sequel followed after the success of each of the investigation thrillers.

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