The Price of Principle: Why Integrity Is Worth the Consequences by Alan M. Dershowitz | Goodreads
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The Price of Principle: Why Integrity Is Worth the Consequences

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In his fiftieth book, The Price of Principle: Why Integrity Is Worth the Consequences, Alan Dershowitz—#1 New York Times bestselling author and one of America’s most influential legal scholars—explores the implications of the increasing tendency in politics, academia, media, and even the courts of law to punish principle and reward partisan hypocrisy.
Alan Dershowitz has been called “one of the most prominent and consistent defenders of civil liberties in America” by Politico, and “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer and one of its most distinguished defenders of individual rights” by  Newsweek . Yet, he has come under intense criticism for living by his principles and applying his famed “shoe on the other foot test.”
The Price of Principle is about efforts to cancel Alan Dershowitz and his career because he has insisted on sticking to his principles instead of choosing sides in the current culture and political war dividing our country. He explains that principled people are actively punished for not being sufficiently partisan. Principle has become the vice and partisanship the virtue in an age when partisan ends justify unprincipled means, such as denial of due process and free speech in the interest of achieving partisan or ideological goals.
Throughout his narrative, Dershowitz focuses on three sets of principles that have guided his life: 1) freedom of expression and conscience; 2) due process, fundamental fairness, and the adversary system of seeking justice; and 3) basic equality and meritocracy. He documents the attacks on him and others like him for being “guilty” of refusing to compromise important principles to promote partisanship. He names names and points fingers of accusation at those who have led us down this dangerous road.
In the end, The Price of Principle represents an icon in the defense of free speech and due process reckoning with the challenges of unprincipled attacks—a new brand of McCarthyism—and insisting that we ask hard questions about our own moral principles.

203 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 12, 2022

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About the author

Alan M. Dershowitz

125 books278 followers
Alan Morton Dershowitz is an American lawyer, jurist, and political commentator. He is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. He is known for his career as an attorney in several high-profile law cases and commentary on the Arab-Israeli conflict.

He has spent most of his career at Harvard, where, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor in its history, until Noam Elkies took the record. Dershowitz still holds the record as the youngest person to become a professor of law there.

As a criminal appellate lawyer, Dershowitz has won thirteen out of the fifteen murder and attempted murder cases he has handled. He successfully argued to overturn the conviction of Claus von Bülow for the attempted murder of Bülow's wife, Sunny. Dershowitz was the appellate advisor for the defense in the criminal trial of O.J. Simpson for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.

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Profile Image for Jeanette.
3,596 reviews702 followers
August 14, 2022
With succinct exactness of definitions, and with dozens of quotes and references to these same precise factors, another most excellent Dershowitz book.

This one is the most timely of all.

I read the hard cover edition and the kindle edition is listed separately here? Why? (As if it wasn't the same book- very outlier.) The Preface alone is enthralling. I had no idea this was his 50th book. And also quite close to the most important one of all. Perhaps, it is another consequence of the history of his voice in the last 10 years that has relegated him into narrow categories?

Every single student (not only American) should read this. And ponder what groupthink has wroth. And KNOW what free speech IS. It seems vast numbers no longer know or begin to realize the outcomes of censorships, "protecting", or in other classifications of identity- just plain giving a shutting up of humans because they are not the favored or entitled by victimhood category. A judgment of who is worthy or not worthy for speech's value.

There are so many top notch quotes. Some by Hamilton, some by former heroes, presidents, men or women of antiquity etc. I can't pick one over the other or I'd list about 20.

As is observable, identity politics is the death of exchange and discourse that is required in any democracy or republic. Woke is in practice death to free speech. Groupthink in these practices the antithesis of citizen interchange that this the lifeblood of our Constitutional foundations' body.

Here is a man who has lived his principles for 84 years. I do not at all agree with many of his policies or practices in defending grave crimes plus. But I absolutely stand by each and every word he has put into this book upon the real worth of equal voices. Not entitled voices, not worthy voices. But equal to consideration and full inputs that do not encompass dire consequences for their expressions.

Ironic I read this the same week as the DOJ is and does exactly what will be the death of any government as the USA was and operated for more than 2 centuries. But no more. Unconstitutional acts by nonelected bureaucrats. That's only a portion of what Dershowitz describes as the outcomes of "pay back". And not being able to voice opposition.

Every human should read the chapter "The Important Principles For Which I Am Willing to Pay a Heavy Price". Twice.

What has been done to this man is not only his cancelation. It is prime for what will happen to most of us when "misinformation" and censorships reign brutal by factcheckers in entirely subjective nature.
Profile Image for Jeanette.
3,596 reviews702 followers
August 12, 2022
With succinct exactness of definitions, and with dozens of quotes and references to these same precise factors, another most excellent Dershowitz book.

This one is the most timely of all.

I read the hard cover edition. The Preface alone is enthralling. I had no idea this was his 50th book. And also quite close to the most importance. Perhaps, it is another consequence of the history of his voice in the last 10 years that has relegated him only as a Kindle edition?

Every single student (not only American) should read this. And ponder what groupthink has wroth. And KNOW what free speech IS. It seems vast numbers no longer know or begin to realize the outcomes of censorships, "protecting", or in other classifications of identity- just plain giving a shutting up to humans because they are not the favored or entitled by victimhood category.

There are so many top notch quotes. Some by Hamilton, some by former heroes, presidents, men or women of antiquity etc. I can't pick one over the other or I'd list about 20.

As is observable, identity politics is the death of exchange and discourse that is required in any democracy or republic. Woke is in practice death to free speech.

Here is a man who has lived his principles for 84 years. I do not at all agree with many of his policies or practices in defending grave crimes plus. But I absolutely stand by each and every word he has put into this book upon the real worth of equal voices. Not entitled voices, not worthy voices. But equal to consideration and full inputs that do not encompass dire consequences for their expressions.

Ironic I read this the same week as the DOJ is and does exactly what will be the death of any government as the USA was for more than 2 centuries. But no more. Unconstitutional acts by unelected bureaucrats. That's only a portion of what Dershowitz describes as the outcomes of "pay back". And not being able to voice opposition.

Every human should read the chapter "The Important Principles For Which I Am Willing to Pay a Heavy Price". Twice.

What has been done to this man is not only his cancelation. It is prime for what will happen to most of us when "misinformation" and censorships reign brutal by factcheckers in entirely subjective nature.
Profile Image for Michael Murphy.
328 reviews9 followers
May 9, 2023
I have always been intrigued by Alan Dershowitz and his steadfast grasp of the Constitution. While I do not always agree with him, without any doubt I do respect him and his vast amount of knowledge on these legal matters. Personally, I would love to see him as an Attorney General of the US, but he would not bend to the will of either party for certain! He possesses much of the same spirit that John Adams had when he defended the British military during the Boston Massacre Trial. I truly respect that! In his fiftieth book in his long career as a lawyer, a constitutional professor, and as a writer, he truly lays our the basis of his position...PRINCIPLE. Principles matter, even in this day and age. Sadly, principles are seemingly dying, now-a-days. This is something that needs to be brought back. One such instance was when Alan Dershowitz wrote to one professor, responding to his oped in the paper, and this professor responded (in essence) "I should be grateful that anyone is reading my articles, but I take Umbridge that an impeachment of a sitting president is necessitated upon a criminal act." Of course, in the US Constitution the requirement of impeachment is based upon the finding the President guilty of "high crimes or misdemeanors" which are, in fact, criminal acts. It was a great book and I hope it would help you to warm up to Alan Dershowitz as a man of honor with respect to the Constitution. You do not have to like a person's politics to find them interesting. I have a number of friends that I do not agree with. However, it definitely makes life easier if you don't argue all the time over all sorts of subjects. Definitely worth the time to read as it was well written and on point throughout.
Profile Image for Ahmad.
149 reviews3 followers
January 11, 2023
It is a bit repetitive. Dershowitz in his previous books has discussed most of the topics he addresses here (Me Too, Presumption of Innocence, Palestine/Israel, Getting Cancelled in Martha’s Vineyard, Supreme Court..etc), so as someone who very much enjoys his books, I have previously read pretty much everything he addresses here. The only difference here is that it’s all gathered under one theme: Principle. Standing up for one’s principle even when the mad crowd refuses such a stance.

And though I disagree with him on plenty, I can’t help admiring him. He stood up for his principles even when it was unpopular to do so. He stood up for Israel when that became unpopular, he criticized how Me Too ended the presumption of innocence even though that enraged the crowd, he stood up and defended his clients such as Trump (even though he opposes everything Alan stands for) and got cancelled in academia for doing so. And in so many other instances he has done that. The mad crowd on one side, and Dersh on the other. Like him or not, that’s admirable courage.

Despite the repetition, I still found the book to be extremely enjoyable and informative.
1 review
September 14, 2022
Excellent book; I highly recommend it

I consider myself a conservative. I found the author’s view refreshing and his arguments compelling. I found very few assumptions. His ideas are well thought out and are based upon principle. I consider the author an American treasure. That so many on the left and some on the right have cancel him is sad. Those who cancel him without taking time to consider what he has said or to appreciate what he done are the true loosers. I believe that history will bear this out. I wish him and his family well.
231 reviews7 followers
January 3, 2024
Alan Dershowitz is, indeed, a man of principle. It is too bad there are not more people like him in the public arena. I respect his commitment to the United States, our Constitution, and his family. I appreciate his opinion on many of the problems of today. This book compiles his opinions on several topics and, in a way, is a concise summary of his guiding principles. An excellent and easy to understand read, even if you are not a lawyer.
143 reviews
August 23, 2023
Alan Dershowitz is, in my opinion, a man of principle. He rightly criticizes the mass media for its bias in reporting the news and its drift towards "advocacy journalism". His discussion of the current era of "cancel culture", wherein a free exchange of ideas is thwarted by those with the most power and influence, is also enlightening.
216 reviews1 follower
December 21, 2022
Stimulating and Refreshing

I have read many of the Professor's books and always come away with respecting his views, although occasionally disagreeing with his conclusions. Hearken to the wisdom he offers here, America.
1 review1 follower
July 14, 2022

Read it in full and just consider; for, we each reap what we sow as a union of states.

Your [insert word choice here],

P.S. congrats on the 50th book publication
Profile Image for Cory Wallace.
356 reviews2 followers
May 29, 2023
It’s good to read a book from someone that attempts to be fair on both ends. I did not agree with everything; however, it’s his right to believe what he does.
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