The Economy 1.0 - CORE

The Economy 1.0

Why not use The Economy 2.0, the rewrite of The Economy?

The microeconomics volume is available online, and it’s free.

The Economy 1.0 is still available, but we’re not updating it any longer.

Published in 2017, The Economy 1.0 is CORE Econ’s original free open access textbook for a year long introductory undergraduate course. It includes capstone units devoted to:

Find out how CORE Econ has been implemented at different institutions and courses.

CORE Econ’s approach is student-centred. It provides students with tools, concepts and ways to understand the world capable of addressing the challenges that attract them to study economics.

On the first day of their CORE Econ course, we ask students ‘What is the most pressing problem that economists should address?’. The word cloud above shows answers from over 8,000 students at 40 universities from 18 countries, collected between 2016 and 2020.

Watch Prof. Carlos Cortinhas (University of Exeter) explain what students like about CORE Econ

Studying CORE Econ helped me to see a much bigger picture of what is happening in the economy than I expected. And the biggest change in my thinking is that I now see economics as a young and dynamic discipline. There are contemporary issues, ideas and debates which I now ‘get’… This makes economics really exciting to study.

Emily Pal, Birkbeck, University of London, and CORE Econ student

Find out more by reading the Preface to The Economy 1.0.

How did we decide on the content and pedagogy in The Economy 1.0?

Read CORE Econ’s approach to updating economics.

We’re no longer updating The Economy 1.0

With The Economy 2.0 now available, we’re no longer updating The Economy 1.0. We last updated it on 31 March 2022, when:

  • the last batch of errata was implemented, and
  • the data charts were updated with the latest data available.

You can keep using The Economy 1.0, together with all its instructor and learner resources. It will always be free.

Curious about The Economy 2.0?

Read how it improves the first edition.

Interested in adopting or switching to The Economy 2.0 but would like advice? You can talk with us!

Email Giacomo Piccoli, Outreach & Adoptions, at [email protected].


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