The Meaning Behind The Song: Balinese by ZZ Top - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Balinese by ZZ Top

The Balinese Dream: Exploring ZZ Top’s Anthem


A song that has always evoked a sense of mysticism and intrigue is ZZ Top’s “Balinese.” With its unique sound, catchy rhythm, and captivating lyrics, it’s no wonder that this song remains popular to this day. But what is it about this tune that really captures the hearts and minds of its listeners?

In this article, we will delve deeply into the meaning behind ZZ Top’s “Balinese” and discover why this song has become a timeless classic.

The Story of ZZ Top’s “Balinese”

ZZ Top formed in 1969 in Houston, Texas, and has consistently been a staple of the rock and roll scene ever since. Their song “Balinese” comes from their 1977 album titled “Tejas,” which was released by London Records.

The track was written by the band’s lead vocalist and guitarist, Billy Gibbons. At the time, Gibbons was experiencing a certain level of curiosity regarding exotic cultures and was particularly interested in the Indonesian island of Bali. He was fascinated by the spiritual and mystical significance of Balinese artistic expression, which led him to pen the lyrics of “Balinese”.

Exploring the Meaning behind the Lyrics

With its haunting, melodic tune and Gibbons’ powerful vocals, “Balinese” immediately captures the listener’s attention. But what is the song trying to communicate, and what does it mean?

Well, there are several different interpretations of the lyrics. Some people believe that the song simply refers to a lover from the island of Bali. However, others believe that the meaning is deeper than that.

The lyrics refer to the island of Bali and mention the local “Monkey Chant,” a traditional Balinese performance that involves hundreds of people chanting together. It is a form of musical prayer that is meant to display the spiritual and physical prowess of the performers.

It is also interesting to note that the word “Balinese” itself means “dream,” which hints at the mystical and transcendent qualities of the song. The dream-like quality of the song is emphasized through the captivating and almost hypnotic melody.

The Musical Style of “Balinese”

One of the most intriguing aspects of “Balinese” is its unique musical style. Some experts have noted that the song is reminiscent of the “Texas Boogie” sound that ZZ Top is famous for. However, the influence of Balinese music is also evident in the composition.

The song’s melody incorporates the distinctive scales and rhythms of Balinese gamelan music, which is characterized by its use of tuned percussion instruments such as gongs, metallophones, and drums. The inclusion of such Balinese-inspired musical elements lends the song a certain level of exoticism, evoking imagery of lush rainforests and ancient temples.

The Legacy of “Balinese”

Over the years, “Balinese” has become a classic rock tune that is beloved by many ZZ Top fans. Its unique sound and captivating lyrics have elevated it from being just another rock song to being a representation of a certain sense of transcendence, spirituality, and exoticism.

The song has also influenced various musical forms, including world music and even heavy metal. For instance, the use of tuned percussion instruments in the song’s melody has inspired many metal bands to experiment with incorporating such elements into their music.


In summary, ZZ Top’s “Balinese” is a prime example of a rock anthem that has become a timeless classic due to its unique sound, captivating lyrics, and transcendent quality. The song’s deep connection to Balinese musical style and culture has elevated it to the realm of the exotic, while its haunting melody has taken listeners on a journey of mystical and spiritual discovery.

As ZZ Top continues to rock and roll with their signature sound and captivating lyrics, “Balinese” will remain a classic that represents the band’s luscious and otherworldly persona.

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