Discover the 36 Best Books for 18-Year-Old Female -

Discover the 36 Best Books for 18-Year-Old Female

Explore the best books for 18-year-old females. From fiction to self-help, discover excellent reads tailored for girls and young women.

Welcome to an insightful journey through the '36 best books that are particularly suited for 18-year-old females,' written by Muhiuddin Alam on the book recommendations and reviews site,

When the girl is 18, that is the beginning of a woman's blooming season. Girls of this age start their new life journey with novelty to the world and beautiful longing. 

Since it is a new journey, there will be some anxiety in the excitement. Maybe you have suddenly mastered "autonomy" and are still uncomfortable with that "right", or you may feel uneasy about facing difficulties alone. 

Whatever the unease, I hope the books recommended below will serve as a beacon for you and light your way ahead.

The following are 36 book recommendations suitable for 18-year-old girls that I have compiled for you. I hope you will like it! 

Two smiling 18 year-old female friends embracing while holding books in an outdoor setting.

These book lists cover many genres, including fiction, non-fiction, and YA novels. We hope you find something on this list that you'll enjoy.

Category are as follows:

  • Category 1: Fiction Books
  • Category 1: Non-Fiction Books
  • Category 3: Young Adult (YA) Novels

Fiction Books

1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 

  • The book focuses on Elizabeth Bennett, a smart and strong character who stands out in a society that treats women unfairly.
  • It tells the story of the Bennett family, especially the five sisters and their mother's quest to find wealthy husbands.
  • Set in the 1800s, it provides a glimpse into English society's strict rules and how Elizabeth challenges them.
  • "Pride and Prejudice" is a famous classic that many people have heard about and is worth reading to understand why it is so well-regarded.
  • Elizabeth Bennett is a pioneering character, representing strong women in a time when such portrayals were rare. 

2. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood 

  • The Handmaid's Tale is a gripping book set in a broken world where a strict religious group controls everything.
  • It shows how bad life can be when people, especially women, lose their basic rights and freedoms.
  • The book teaches that everyone should have equal rights, no matter their gender or race.
  • The story is very touching and intense, making you feel for the characters and their struggles.
  • Many people think this book is one of the most powerful and important stories to read..

3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

  • The Hunger Games is more than just a story; it critiques war and shows how powerful people manipulate others.
  • The book has many hidden details showing how the government keeps people from uniting and fighting back.
  • Katniss Everdeen stands up against the system, showing bravery and awareness of the real enemy.
  • The story captures the teenage experience, dealing with identity and resistance against authority.
  • Even though it appeals to teens, its themes about society and power are important for everyone to understand.

4. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot

  • The book tells a true story about Henrietta Lacks, whose cancer cells, called HeLa cells, can live forever outside her body.
  • HeLa cells have helped make big advances in medicine, including fighting diseases like cancer and AIDS.
  • Henrietta's family didn't know about the use of her cells and continued to live in poverty while others made money from HeLa cells.
  • The book discusses serious issues like patients' rights, medical ethics, and racism in the United States.
  • Rebecca Skloot, the author, gained the trust of Henrietta's family and shared their story, showing the importance of recognizing Henrietta's contributions.

5. An American Marriage by Tayari Jones

  • The book "American" tells a story about a man named Roy who goes to Atlanta to find his wife, Celestial, after being released from prison.
  • It's about marriage, which is like a big headline in life. It looks at how marriage works across different places and times in history.
  • Roy, the husband, gets a long prison sentence, which makes things hard. Should his wife, Celestial, wait for him or move on with someone else?
  • The book shows strong emotions, like longing and sadness, as Roy and Celestial deal with being apart. It's not just about marriage but also about friendship.
  • Some parts of the story happen in prison, showing what life is like there. There's also a scene where they buy weird things, which adds to the story's intrigue.

Non-Fiction Books 

1. Becoming by Michelle Obama

  • Michelle Obama's memoir, "Becoming," tells her life story, which is motivating. It shows how she faced challenges and became successful.
  • The book talks about how important education is, especially for girls. Sadly, some girls can't go to school because they're girls or because their families are poor.
  • Michelle Obama's book shows how being educated is crucial in today's world. It's about learning and growing, which is super important.
  • Michelle Obama managed to be a daughter, wife, mother, and even the First Lady of the United States. She showed that you can be great at different roles without sacrificing one for the other.
  • The book teaches that you don't have to choose between being a good mom, wife, or leader. You can be all of them if you work hard. And if someone says you can't, you can prove them wrong.

2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

  • This book, "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," has transformed many lives since 2017.
  • The book inspires you to become a better version of yourself, not just in getting things done, but in how you live your life every day.
  • The author shares a quote by Aristotle: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
  • It shows that excellence isn't just for the super-talented; anyone can achieve it by putting in daily effort.
  • The book outlines seven habits to follow, the seven habits are here:  
    • Be Proactive
    • Begin with the end in mind 
    • Put first things first
    • Think win-win 
    • Seek first to understand then to be understood 
    • Synergize 
    • Sharpen the saw
  • The book encourages you to think about how these habits apply to your own life, making it more meaningful and practical.

3. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

  • "The Power of Now" is a super popular book that has been loved by people for a long time.
  • It's not just a regular book; it's full of special energy that can change your life in amazing ways.
  • Lots of folks say this book has completely changed their lives for the better.
  • You can't just breeze through this book; it's something you'll keep coming back to, and each time you read it, you'll learn something new.
  • It talks about how our minds are always busy worrying about the past or the future, but really, all that matters is the present moment. When we focus on now, we can find peace and happiness inside ourselves.

4. #MeToo in the Corporate World by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

  • The book shares new information about how often different groups experience harassment and assault at work.
  • It explains how sexual misconduct scandals can cost companies a lot of money and hurt their reputation.
  • The author talks about how male leaders are now afraid to help young women in their careers, which hurts workplace diversity.
  • The book suggests practical solutions, like legal actions and company policies, to make workplaces safer.
  • Real-life examples from companies like IBM show how these solutions can work in real life.

5. The Body Is Not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor

  • This book teaches you how to love and accept yourself just the way you are.
  • It helps you understand and fight against the negative feelings we have about our bodies.
  • Sonya Renee Taylor, a famous activist and poet, guides us in this journey.
  • By reading this book, you can inspire others to also love themselves and fight against body shaming.
  • The book explains how society's systems hurt our self-esteem and how we can fight back.
  • It shows how self-love can lead to a fairer and more caring world for everyone.

Young Adult (YA) Novels

1. Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

  • You should read this book because it's a beautiful mix of happy and sad feelings at the same time.
  • The love story between Eleanor and Park is so lovely that it will make you smile like crazy while reading.
  • Eleanor is a character you'll really like because she's different, not traditionally pretty, but very attractive in her own way. You'll feel for her because she goes through tough times like bullying and harsh treatment from her stepdad.
  • Even though the book is enjoyable, it might not be the absolute best you've ever read. You might feel a bit let down because you couldn't find deeper meanings in the story.
  • Seeing the author's photos might make you wonder if she's writing her own story, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the book.

2. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

  • Love means keeping promises, even when you might not fully understand them at first.
  • This book talks about love simply and clearly, that makes sense.
  • It also mentions how important it is to accept the ups and downs of life, just like on a swing set.
  • The characters in the book express their feelings honestly, without hiding anything.
  • Even though there are sad parts, the book shows that it's okay because it's part of life, and it's still worth it to love and be loved.

3. Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender

  • The book has very detailed descriptions of scenes and characters' emotions, making it easy to imagine the story.
  • The writing is simple yet powerful, making the story feel genuine and heartfelt.
  • The plot can be predictable, and characters sometimes seem too quick to get angry or fall in love, which can feel unrealistic.
  • It explores the experiences of a transgender teenager growing up and finding love, making it an interesting young adult novel.
  • The story shows the challenges faced by transgender people in society, highlighting how tough their lives can be.

4. The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

  • Recommended by a friend who also suggested "The Hate U Give," a book I enjoyed.
  • Features protagonists with a special racial background, which I found interesting.
  • Focuses a lot on the relationship between Daniel and Natasha, offering different perspectives on the same events.
  • Even though some might find it cheesy, the book is smooth and enjoyable to read, making it a comfortable and fun experience.
  • Explores the clash of Daniel and Natasha's worldviews, which made me think about my own beliefs and values.

5. To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han

  • The book flows smoothly and is recommended for teens and college students.
  • Many high school girls in Europe and America are reading it.
  • The main character is one of three American-Korean sisters, and they have a close relationship.
  • Shows both the good and bad sides of sisterhood, including conflicts and support.
  • Focuses on love, family, and friendship without feeling preachy, with a happy ending.

6. The Regrets

The Regrets by Amy Bonnaffons

  • "The Regrets" by Amy Bonnaffons offers a unique story that blends paranormal elements with romance, making it intriguing and different from typical books.
  • It delves into relationships deeply, focusing on the challenges and complexities individuals face, especially when dealing with regret and longing.
  • The main characters, Thomas and Rachel, are relatable and flawed, making their journey compelling as they navigate their forbidden connection and personal baggage.
  • The book explores themes like love, self-discovery, and the unrealistic expectations society often places on relationships and individuals, offering valuable insights for readers.
  • Despite touching on heavy subjects like life, death, and mental health, the author's light and engaging writing style makes the book both thought-provoking and enjoyable to read.

7. Severance: A Novel

Severance: A Novel by Ling Ma

Severance: A Novel by Ling Ma
  • "Severance" by Ling Ma is a book about a pandemic, where a disease spreads, affecting everyone's lives.
  • The story focuses on Candace Chen, a daughter of immigrants, who believes in the importance of work even during the pandemic.
  • Candace stays committed to her job even when others stop showing up, reflecting on the pressures of capitalism in society.
  • As she navigates through her job and life, Candace learns about the realities of living in a capitalist society, where dreams may not always align with reality.
  • The book takes readers on a journey with Candace across the US, where she discovers important lessons about life and survival.

8. Such a Fun Age

Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid

  • It's about a young black woman named Amira who works as a nanny for a rich white family.
  • Amira faces discrimination when a white woman accuses her of kidnapping the child she cares for.
  • Her boss, Alex, tries to help her but doesn't understand or care about Amira's struggles.
  • The book teaches about things like "performative allyship" and "microaggressions," showing how racism can be subtle but harmful.
  • Through Amira's story, you learn about growing up, finding your path, and standing up for yourself, even when it's hard.

9. Temporary

Temporary by Hilary Leichter

  • "Temporary" by Hilary Leichter tells a story about a world where people are either born into permanent jobs or are temporary workers who don't have a set place.
  • The main character is a temporary worker who goes through various bizarre jobs, like being a pirate or a barnacle.
  • Through the character's journey, the book teaches an important lesson about not defining oneself solely by a job and the dangers of losing oneself in work.
  • As an ambitious person, the narrator relates to the struggle of placing too much importance on a job and losing sight of personal identity.
  • This book is a reminder to focus on who we are as individuals rather than letting our jobs define us, making it an important read for understanding life beyond work.

10. Nothing to See Here

Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson

  • "Nothing to See Here" tells the story of Lillian, a smart student who sacrifices for a friend and then struggles with her own life.
  • Lillian gets an unusual request from Madison, her former friend, to take care of her stepchildren who catch fire when they get emotional.
  • Lillian faces challenges in her toxic relationship with Madison but also finds opportunities for growth and understanding.
  • Through caring for the children, Lillian learns about love, respect, and dealing with emotions, teaching them valuable lessons while also working through her struggles.
  • The book is heartwarming, funny, and touching, offering a mix of emotions that make it a delightful read.

11. Oona Out of Order: A Novel

Oona Out of Order: A Novel by Margarita Montimore

Oona Out of Order: A Novel by Margarita Monti more
  • The book is about a girl who can time travel, but not with her body, only with her mind.
  • She jumps to different times in her own life at midnight every year.
  • The story could be deeper, but it's still enjoyable.
  • It shows that your mind can grow even if your body doesn't.
  • Even though it's not perfect, it's still a fun and interesting book to read.

12. Queenie

Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams

  • This book, "Queenie" by Candice Carty-Williams, shows how a young black woman in the UK deals with her mental health struggles.
  • It talks about how trauma affects growing up and finding your path in life.
  • The story emphasizes the importance of seeking help for mental health issues, like going to therapy.
  • It helps break down the stigma around mental health and seeking help, making it feel more normal and okay to ask for support.
  • The book shares experiences that many people go through, making it relatable and helpful for understanding your struggles.

13. The Millionaire Fastlane

The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime by MJ DeMarco

The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime by MJ DeMarco
  • The book explains that "fast" means 5 to 10 years, not overnight success.
  • It describes three paths to wealth: sidewalk, slow lane, and fast lane, showing which one is the most effective.
  • MJ DeMarco shares important rules for successful entrepreneurship, like focusing on market needs, scalability, and providing value.
  • Learn from the author's experiences and avoid falling into traps like pursuing hobbies instead of real market needs or getting stuck in non-scalable businesses.
  • Besides business advice, the book offers life lessons like the importance of time and the impact of past choices on our current situation.

14. Good Strategy/Bad Strategy

Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The difference and why it matters by Richard Rumelt

Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The difference and why it matters by Richard Rumelt
  • Leaders of big companies have various strategies, but some have none. This book explains why.
  • Successful strategies often surprise people. Like when Steve Jobs simplified Apple's focus, or the US military's Gulf crisis tactics.
  • Sometimes, the best strategies seem strange, like using a small stone to defeat a giant, or Walmart's discount strategy.
  • Even if a strategy seems simple, like attacking from the side in war, making it work with different groups can be tough.
  • Stories like David and Goliath and Walmart's early days teach us valuable lessons about strategy.

15. Harry Potter Box Set (Books 1-7)

Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-7) by J. K. Rowling

  • The Harry Potter series is perfect for when you want to take a break from real life and dive into a world of magic and adventure.
  • It's super good for making your imagination grow bigger because it's all about wizards, magic, and cool stuff like that.
  • Even though it's all made up, you still learn important things about life and friendship while reading these books.
  • It helps you believe in magic, which is awesome because when you're a teenager, it's cool to think that anything is possible.
  • The details in the books make it feel like you're there, in this amazing wizarding world, and once you start reading, you won't want to stop!

16. We Should All Be Feminists

We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

  • It's a small book called "We Should All Be Feminists" by Chimamanda Adichie.
  • It's easy to read and won't take much time.
  • The book explains what feminism is and why it's important for everyone, no matter their gender.
  • Even if you're a girl or a boy, it helps you understand feminism better.
  • The book shows that feminism isn't about bringing men down or changing yourself; it's about equality and understanding.

17. Turtles All the Way Down

Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

  • "Turtles All the Way Down" by John Green is a great book to read if you like stories about understanding yourself and personal growth.
  • The main character, Aza, struggles with OCD and fears germs, which makes her constantly clean a cut on her finger.
  • The story shows how Aza deals with her mental health issues while managing her daily life.
  • The book includes a unique philosophy called "turtles all the way down," which you will understand more after reading.
  • This book can be especially helpful if you tend to overthink and want to see how someone else handles similar challenges.

18. The Lines We Cross

The Lines We Cross by Randa Abdel-Fattah

  • "The Lines We Cross" by Randa Abdel-Fattah is about Meena and Michael, two teenagers from different backgrounds whose families dislike each other.
  • Despite their families' differences, Meena and Michael start to understand each other better and develop a friendship.
  • The book is a sweet love story that is both heartwarming and emotional.
  • The language is simple and easy to read, making it a fun and enjoyable book for young readers.
  • It's a touching story that might make you cry, especially if you love cute and cheesy romances.

19. Adulting

Adulting by Neharika Gupta

  • The book "Adulting" by Niharika Gupta tells the story of three different people: Aisha, Ruhi, and Tejas.
  • Aisha is a social media manager and blogger who struggles to keep up her image online.
  • Ruhi is a workaholic who works very hard but feels unappreciated and never takes breaks.
  • Tejas is a best-selling novelist who is dealing with writer's block.
  • The story is about how these characters learn to understand themselves and what is truly important in life.
  • It shows that becoming an adult is more about understanding your mind and values than just doing chores or moving out.
  • The story is told from the perspectives of all three characters, which can be a bit confusing at first but gets easier as you read.
  • "Adulting" is a beautiful book about personal growth and self-discovery, and it is worth reading to see how the characters navigate their challenges.

20. The Midnight Library: A Novel

The Midnight Library: A Novel by Matt Haig

  • "The Midnight Library" by Matt Haig tells the story of Nora, who is unhappy and tries to end her life. She then finds herself in a magical library where it's always midnight.
  • In the library, there are books about all the different choices Nora could have made in her life. Each book shows how her life would be if she made different decisions.
  • The book's concept is unique and interesting, making you think about the choices you make in your own life.
  • The writing is simple and easy to understand, which makes it a good read for young people.
  • The story is very inspiring and motivating, offering new perspectives on life's challenges and how to overcome them.

21. The Book of Kindness

The Book of Kindness: How to Make Others Happy and Be Happy Yourself by Om Swami

The Book of Kindness: How to Make Others Happy and Be Happy Yourself by Om Swami   
  • The book talks about how being kind is super important, especially as a teenager.
  • It explains how being kind can actually change the world and make it a better place for everyone, including yourself.
  • It helps you understand what kindness really means, not just doing nice things, but something deeper.
  • If you read this book and become kinder, the author will be super proud of you.
  • It teaches you how to be kind without letting others take advantage of you, finding a balance between being kind and protecting yourself.

22. Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson, 20th Anniversary Edition by Mitch Albom

Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson, 20th Anniversary Edition by Mitch Albom
  • 'Tuesdays with More' is a book about an old and sick teacher and his student.
  • The student has lost touch with life, but meeting the teacher helps him find meaning again.
  • They meet every Tuesday and have deep conversations.
  • Reading this book can change how you see life, especially if you feel misunderstood or lost.
  • It's like The Ultimate Gift but with its own unique twist, so if you liked that book, you'll probably enjoy this one too.

23. Little Women

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

  • "Little Women" shows how important it is to be kind to others, especially in tough times.
  • Follows the journey of four young girls and their mother as they navigate life without their father.
  • Reading this book will make you feel warm inside and appreciate the love within families.
  • Shows how the characters face challenges with bravery, inspiring readers to do the same.
  • 'Little Women' teaches the importance of accepting yourself for who you are, no matter the circumstances.
  • This book is a great introduction to classic literature and will leave you feeling good and inspired.

24. We Were Liars

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

  • "We Were Liars" is a pure fiction book that's enjoyable to read, but it has some dark themes and mentions self-harm.
  • The story is about four cousins and friends who spend every summer together and call themselves "Liars."
  • One summer, something big happens that changes all their lives and affects the main character deeply.
  • The protagonist struggles with mental health issues and family problems, and the book shows how she deals with everything.
  • It's a beautifully tragic story, but if you don't want to read something sad, you might want to skip this book.

25. The Lover

The Lover by Marguerite Duras

The Lover by Marguerite Duras-I am so forgetful when I grow old, but I don't forget lovesickness
  • The book tells a touching love story, showing deep feelings and emotions.
  • It explores how beauty changes with age and finds value in different stages of life.
  • The story shows how love can be surprising and timeless, even after many years.
  • The book describes a personal encounter that leaves a lasting impression, highlighting meaningful connections.
  • It ends with a message of forgiveness and fulfillment, making it a heartwarming read.

26. Sophie's World

Sophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy by Jostein Gaarder

Sophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy by Jostein Gaarder
  • This book takes you on a journey through the history of philosophy, guided by a mysterious teacher.
  • Sophie, the main character, explores big questions about life and the world from ancient Greece to modern times.
  • She receives strange letters that lead her to uncover surprising and weird truths.
  • "Sophie's World" is full of wisdom and dreams, making you think deeply about life.
  • The book inspires curiosity and a deeper understanding of the meaning of life.


Above I provided an overview of the types of good books that would be recommend for 18-year-old female, including fiction, non-fiction, and YA novels. 

We explained why reading is important for young adults at this age and how books can help them navigate their personal and academic lives. 

We also highlighted some books that tackle diverse and inclusive themes and explore different perspectives and experiences.

In conclusion, reading is a powerful tool that can help young females navigate the challenges and opportunities of young adulthood. With so many great books out there, we're sure you'll find something that you'll enjoy. Happy reading!

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