Flores Bohemia

Flores Bohemia is a company with values, committed to quiality and the success of our clients.

Flores Bohemia is a company with family values that extend to all of our staff. Since we started
in the floral industry in 1981, Flores Bohemia has dedicated it’s business to growing and exporting fresh cut flowers. Our ongoing commitment to quality and desire to improve has
made us become a leading supplier to our customers in North America and Europe.


Birds of Pardise «Strelitzia Reginae»

This flower is commonly known as the Bird of Paradise due to the resemblance it has to the orange colored feather crest of an exotic bird from Southeast Asia. The plant belongs to the Strelitziaceae family and is native to South Africa. The gender name is dedicated to Charlotte of Mecklembourg-Strelitz, wife of King George III of England. It’s usually grown oin warm tropical climates and in some cases greenhouses as ornamental plants. Additionally, because of it’s rigid stems, it is often used in flower arrangements.

Register to get a free sample. Restrictions may apply.


All bunches include: clear sleeve, burlap rope and UPC (if requested) + Rainforest Alliance seal.
Other configurations available upon request. QB  Measurement: (113.5 x 27.7 x 10.7) cm


25 cm Head

80-90 cm Stem

Pack 20-30 QB / 100 HB


19.21 cm Head

65 cm Stem

Pack 50 QB / 100 HB


21-23 cm Head

75-80 cm Stem

Pack 20-40 QB / 100 HB


70-80 cm Head

Pack 50 QB

100 QB / 200 HB


3 Select stems / 2 Leaves pack 10-12 QB

Includes: Clear sleeve, burlap tie and UPC.
Flower food can be included for extra cost.

*other configurations available upon request.




Unpack flower
from box

Cut stems
at an angle

Put flowers in
a glass vase

At water at room

Protect flowers from extreme heat or cold


NOTE: The flowers might need to be assisted to flourish by opening the top gently and pulling the petals out of the flowers head.
Be careful not to pull too hards or the petals may break.


Here are some designs created by famous decorators and party planners.
To share with us your own ideas please contact us at: info@floresbohemia.com