Trading Places International - About Us

About Us

Trading Places International opened its doors in 1973 as a full-service travel agency in Southern California. Today, with a focus on quality, value, and personalized service, Trading Places is a vertically-integrated provider of exchange and leisure services to more than 300,000 vacation owners including onsite property management at over 20 resorts located throughout the mainland United States, Hawaii, and Mexico. Trading Places is headquartered in Lake Forest, California, and has approximately 250 employees.

Company Overview

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Interested in a career in the timeshare and travel industry? Learn more here.

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Why TPI Management?

Trading Places’ hands-on approach in the area of management services means that both associations and their members will be the recipients of our core values: Quality, Service, and Value. Our worry-free management allows our clients to focus on enjoying their vacations while we handle all the rest. With our award-winning customer service, every timeshare owner will get the respect and attention each deserves.

Did you know? Trading Places has been awarded the management contracts of several resorts through the referrals of existing TPI members. If your association is in need of a professional management company why not drop us a note. Click here and see Developer Support.