Forecast 5: Budgeting & Forecasting Software


We can help your business

For Accountants
For Corporates
For Not-For-Profits

Accurate, feature-laden forecasting and budgeting software

We know the hours you spend creating your budgets in spreadsheets, only to find its not adding up. 

This is why Forecast 5 is the modern solution for preparing financial statements, saving you time, letting you focus on what's important. 


Import data from your financial software and save double handling. 
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Get the breakdown and overview needed for all branches with consolidations.
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Integrated Report Sets

Built-in P&L, Balance Sheet, Cashflow and Funds Flow reports. 
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Download a Free 21-day Trial

Unlock a new world of budget and forecast preparation with our free 21-day trial. 

With unrestricted access to all features, you can test drive everything we have to offer!

Our Clients

​See Forecast 5 in action

In just 15 minutes, we can give you an overview of the Forecast 5 functionality and show you some of the benefits of implementing Forecast 5. Or you can watch our demo videos here.

Book a Demo

Integrate seamlessly with accounting software