Flat Grave Markers - Landmark Monuments
Adams Red Flat Marker

Flat Grave Markers

Flat Grave Markers are a versatile and budget-friendly way to memorialize your loved one. We can make your vision of your loved one come to life on stone. From a wide landscape to a short quote, your dearly departed will be honored. 

With multiple sizes, personalized images, and engraving techniques your flat grave marker will be unique. We would like to walk you through these design choices to bring you confidence in a headstone design to eternally honor your loved one. 

To give you a clearer picture, we will talk through the many design choices you have, the different sizes of flat grave markers, and help you decide if a flat grave marker is the best way to remember your dearly departed. 

Single Flat Grave Marker

Flat Grave Markers are always flat across the ground and generally span the width of the burial plot. Sometimes these memorials are buried to sit flush with the ground and others sit on top, this usually depends on the cemetery’s guidelines. 

Single flat headstones honor one person and tend to be easier to personalize, because we are only telling one story. Many stones, like the one featured, will carry a unique epitaph which can be a quote or simply a loving message. 

Guest Flat Marker
Cooper Companion Flat Marker

Companion Flat Grave Marker

Companion Flat Grave Markers are a caring way to honor the love and companionship a couple shared in life. Telling their story in simple icons or using a beloved backdrop is a simple way to allow their legacy to live on. 

Much like the flat headstone pictured, companion flat headstones can be as personalized as you prefer. We are here to help you make those design decisions with examples and experience. 

Flat Grave Marker Sizes and Materials

A Flat Grave Marker can come in almost any size but common dimensions are 24″ x 12″ x 4″ for a single plot or 36″ x 12″ x 4″ for a double or companion headstone. This is a reasonably large canvas to display the name, birth and death date of your loved one. There are many designs that can be added. 

We recommend starting the design process by choosing the size and material of your monument. We work mostly in granite but if bronze suits you, we are ready to work in that medium.  

Brown Flat Marker
Arnold Flat Grave Marker

Is a Flat Grave Marker for me?

That is the big question here when you are faced with so many options is a flat grave marker the way to go? We would love to talk you through that choice. 

Are you on a budget? Does the cemetery have certain restrictions? How would your loved one want to be remembered? 

All of these questions will lead you to a clearer answer of what headstone to buy and Landmark is here to build it when you are ready. 

View More Flat Grave Markers

  • Schlemer, Companion flush with separate vase unit
  • Mackintosh, companion flush with vase
  • KANE, Flat flush with vase
  • Jesser single space bevel for two
  • Guest-Harney, Bevel on base
  • Gifford, Single bevels united on one foundation
  • Gensel companion Bevel
  • Geertz Jungerman 2 names on single space marker
  • Garnand, Single space flat flush
  • Clark Companion flat flush
  • Chavez
  • Brugger, Bevel
  • Bowman companion flat flush
  • Bouck top mount
  • Behrooz flat flush
  • Beale
  • Barkdoll

Granite Color Choices

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