Jeff Lynne: new Album for 2025 ? (and World Tour) - Mediamass

Jeff Lynne, new Studio Album and Tour in 2025?

Has Jeff Lynne been working on a new album? While representatives are keeping tight-lipped, reports have been circulating on the Internet. There have been strong rumors that the musician is finally returning to the recording studio working on a what might be a back-to-roots album.

UPDATE 05/06/2024 : This story seems to be false. (read more)

According to a source, rumors of Jeff Lynne (from Electric Light Orchestra) working in recording studio are true, with as many as eight songs having been put to tape. “It’s still in the early stages,” “He’s got security on the doors to ensure no-one hears a whisper,” a source said.

World Tour To Follow New Album?

Jeff Lynne is rumoured to be planning a worldwide tour at the end of 2025. When contacted, a representative had no information on a new album, or any of the musician’s future plans. This isn’t the first time in recent memory reports have surfaced about Jeff Lynne recording sessions. Fans will be anxiously awaiting...

Do you think Jeff Lynne will pick up right where he left off and deliver another excellent album? Have you heard any rumors about the new album? Let us know!!

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Jeff Lynne: Recent News


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