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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Wiki
Vampires. Immortal, blood-sucking demons.
Henry Sturges
in Abraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter

Vampires are a species of blood-sucking, predatory, undead creatures, somewhat similar in appearance to humans. They fulfill the role of main antagonists in both the book and screen adaptation of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.



A vampire morphing their appearance to its monstrous form

Vampires as a species, can easily blend into society by assuming their human form. This allows them to lead somewhat normal lives, dispite their sinister true nature. However, their true appearance is animalistic and horrifying. In this state, their irises shine, and their eyes turn completely black, or reddish and blood shot. Their skin attains a decayed and unnatural look, becomes unnaturally white or grey, with black veins visible beneath it. Sharp rows of short and/or long fangs, larger, more elastic jaws, and lengthy claws. The jaws and teeth are a Vampire's most prominent


Barts transformed jaws, as well as permanently destroyed eye

transformations, as it can be very drastic depending on the Vampire, though seemingly all Vampires have jaws that can almost stretch over an entire Human shoulder, enhancing their bite further. Their canine teeth are usually quite long, and seem to be the most prominent of teeth in their jaws. When a Vampire takes its true form, its teeth become sharp, lethal fangs. They have two predatory forms, with the lesser of the two only allowing them pronounced canine teeth, completely white skin, visible black veins, and unnaturally, almost completely, bloodshot eyes. Their monstrous form however, occurs when they are more in a much more primal,


Barts attacking Lincoln after receiving from a shot in the head that destroyed his eye

animalistic, vicious state. A Vampire can morph into this appearance in an instant, changing from their Human or lesser Vampiric form in seconds. In this state, they possess incredible elastic jaws, a mouthful of fangs rather than only canines, and pale, almost luminescent skin, with pulsating dark veins. The lesser form's appearance occurs when a vampire desires to frighten prey, reveal their true nature, or when they are close to feeding. The more demonic, or "monstrous" form can be triggered with the channeling of one's anger, incredible physical or mental strain, and/or a need to fight.


Henry Sturges seconds after his transformation and discovering that he physically cannot kill another vampire, as magnetic like forces hold him back


Henry endeavored to a lifetime of vampire hunting secrets. Their ability to adapt to sunlight, their power to render themselves invisible.
Abraham Lincoln
in Abraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter

Vampires are physically more powerful than humans, far surpassing the latter's position on the food chain as prime survivalists and predators. Aside from their supernaturally increased speed and strength, they have the ability to adapt to sunlight and the power to render themselves invisible.


A transformed vampire jaws as it attacks a human

  • Strength: Vampires are far stronger than normal humans. With their power, they can throw fully developed Human Men and other vampires through wood, toss animals as big and heavy as a fully grown horse with relative ease, and kick through wooden beams several feet in width. They can even fling their own kin straight up in the air, and hold a falling train, though even the oldest vampires can strain themselves if they do thus. It is possible that their strength increases with time and age, as adam easily defeated sturges, a young vampire, who in turn made short work of barts and could hold up a falling train with all his might.
  • Mobility: Vampires are far faster than Humans, possessing within their forms great, inhuman speed, agility, and reflexes. They can jump over high and far distances without difficulty, and balance on moving objects as if they were acrobats or trapeze artists.
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Henry and Adam fight, with Henry's face rapidly changing to a vampiric form

  • Invulnerability: Vampires are nearly impervious to any form of harm, and cannot be killed by most, if any, conventional weapons, such as pistols, shotguns, or blades made of non-silver metals. They have an impressive healing factor, which allows even a young vampire to recover from a point-blank shot to the eye in seconds. This regenerative factor also renders them seemingly immune to any and all disease and/or poisons. Damage to the head seems to render them unconscious for maybe a few moments, before they recover. They are unable to regenerate lost body parts or full tissues however, and dismemberment or more specifically, the loss of an eye will be permanent.
  • Senses: Vampires have all of the five senses Humans have, with said senses being enhanced beyond natural human functionality.
  • Immortality: Thanks to their "death" and "resurrection" via the Turn, Vampires are rendered undead, and thus seemingly do not age, or get sick from any form of toxins, diseases, poisons, or cancer.
  • Fangs: Vampires can extend a set of fangs from their mouths that allow them to feed on the blood of Humans. In addition, if a vampire bites a human, either the Human will die, or become a vampire, depending on the "purity" of their soul or character. Therefore, a pure soul bitten by a Vampire will experience painful and violent convulsions, as well as developing a completely pale white skin and having milky color in their eyes, until the person dies. It is possible for a Vampire to save a victim from dying in this manner by turning the victim, which becomes possible after the victim is bitten already. The Vampiric transformation is complete in a minute or less, and after the fangs leave the victims flesh, the victim will collapse, half-conscious, and with hazy and/or distorted senses- a similar effect to that of being poisoned. They will not have the strength to stand for only a minute, but will have full energy and vitality immediately after. Once this occurs, they then experience a Vampire's less monstrous transformation, though their more predatory form can be triggered through the channeling of anger and/or strain, or a need to survive and fight.

Adam in the sunlight

  • Sunlight Adaptation: Vampires seem to have the ability to adapt to sunlight, unlike their more legendary counterparts, with the UV rays seeming to cause them but slight discomfort, and/or a temporary disphoric illness of the skin.
  • Invisibility: Vampires have the power to render themselves almost entirely invisible, allowing them to avoid the gaze of Human eyes. Alongside this, they are able to travel in a hazy mist, or fog-like form.



Vadoma dead after a shot to the forehead with a silver sword necklace as the projectile

In Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, vampires aren't killed by sunlight and remain unaffected by holy objects, prayers, or water. They can only be harmed and killed by silver, and/or decapitation. If they harmed by silver in a way that is fatal to a normal living creature, they will die.

Also, by God's decree, a Vampire is incapable of killing another Vampire, as "only the living can kill the dead." When a Vampire attempts to slay another, they are held back by a possibly mystical, unseen force, much like opposing magnetic forces. However, a Vampire can physically attack another and harm them, though they cannot be two inches close to another Vampire if they attempt lethal force. In other words, a Vampire cannot directly kill another Vampire.

Deviations from Vampire myth[]

  • Unlike traditional Vampires, these vampires within the novelization and cinema are able to withstand the rays of the sun.

    A vampire in his animalistic state

  • They cannot transform into bats or wolves. However, they are able to take a lesser form of mist and render themselves invisible to the gaze of other beings.
  • They are stronger than many traditional Vampires, with some of them able to hold the weight of a train car.
  • They cannot physically kill one another or create lethal wounds upon another's flesh. However, they are able to fight amongst themselves, granted that the wounds are able to be healed.
  • Religious symbols, stakes, and running water have no effect on them.
  • They do not require an invitation to enter a mortal's home.

Differences Between Vampires in the Book and the Movie[]

  • Vampires in the novels are presented as a separate, biological species, rather than the result of a curse. They do not know the origin of their species, but presume to have been created alongside humans at the dawn of time. They can transform humans at will, regardless of the purity of the Human in question.
  • Vampires in the novel lack the supernatural powers of the movies. They cannot become invisible, nor travel as a mist.
  • Vampires in the novel are also not harmed by silver, and are able to kill each other if they so desire. Another trait of this, is that unlike their cinema counterparts, they are vulnerable to stakes to the heart.
  • Human-friendly Vampires are more common in the novel, although still considered a minority compared to their homicidal brethren.

Known Vampires[]

  • Adam: The ancient, and seemingly all-powerful leader of the species, and vadoma's brother. He has lived since the ages of ancient egypt, and was a known slave owner in the confederate states. Adam met his fate at the hands of abraham lincoln.

    One of Adam's vampires about to feed on a human

  • Vadoma: Adam's sister. She is a ruthless enforcer for the vampires. She was later killed by Mary Todd Lincoln.
  • Henry Sturgess: A Vampire created by adam after the former attempted to kill him in defense of his wife. He trains abraham to kill off vampires for him, and as he later reveals, has been attempting to train others to do the same for quite some time. He now lives in modern times, after abe refuses his offer of immortality one last time.
  • Jack Barts: Another Vampire working for adam. He is responsible for killing abraham's mother, which comes to light later in the story. He was killed by Abraham as revenge for his mother's murder, and under orders from Henry Sturgess.
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    One of Adam's soldiers
