How Dinesh Karthik was cheated by his first wife and teammate Murali Vijay

How Dinesh Karthik was cheated by his first wife and teammate Murali Vijay

The story behind Dinesh Karthik and Murali Vijay's tale of betrayal.

  • DNA Web Team
  • |
  • Jun 01, 2021, 12:01 PM IST

What could be the biggest betrayal when your own friend and teammate has an affair with your wife. A love triangle is something that disturbs the lives of people involved especially when someone married falls in love and ruins the lives of all involved. 

Indian cricketers Dinesh Karthik and Murali Vijay were involved in such a love triangle. Both, who were once good friends turned foes and the reason behind all this lead to Karthik's divorce from his first wife.

So what's the story behind Dinesh Karthik and Murali Vijay's tale of betrayal.


1. Dinesh Karthik's wedding to Nikita Vanjara

Dinesh Karthik's wedding to Nikita Vanjara

It was 2007 when 21-year-old Dinesh Karthik married his childhood friend Nikita Vanjara. Nikita's father and Dinesh's father were good friends and their children grew up together. 


Both families had agreed to marry off their kids and as soon as they reached the marriageable age, the two tied the knot in Mumbai.


2. Dinesh Karthik's marriage falling apart

Dinesh Karthik's marriage falling apart

However, 5 years into the marriage, Nikita started losing interest and fell in love with Murali Vijay who was Karthik's teammate in Tamil Nadu. 


In 2012, Tamil Nadu were playing a crucial Vijay Hazare Trophy match against Karnataka, and during this match, Karthik came to know about his wife's affair with Murali Vijay.


The incident led Karthik to take a divorce from her.

3. Nikita and Murali Vijay

Nikita and Murali Vijay

After Karthik divorced Nikita, she was pregnant with a boy. Soon, Nitika and Murali Vijay got married and the matter of divorce was handled by both sides very quickly and quietly. 


As of today, Murali Vijay and Nikita are parents of 3 children.

4. Post the incident

Post the incident

After the incident, Karthik and Vijay had to play together. In 2018, both even got called up for the Indian Test team for the England tour of India. 


While surely it was a very awkward moment, both were not spotted communicating during the series.

5. Dinesh Karthik and Dipika Pallikal's love story

Dinesh Karthik and Dipika Pallikal's love story

After getting betrayed, Dinesh Karthik found true love when in 2015 he met Indian squash player Dipika Pallikal. They were said to be taking fitness sessions under the same coach. 


Deepika used to hate cricketers and she believed that the kind of hype and fame they get overshadows other sportspersons. 


However, after a few meetings with Karthik, she was proved wrong and both fell in love and started dating each other. In August 2015, both tied the knot.

