在维尔纽斯大学(Vilnius University)就读是怎样一番体验?


3 个回答

作者: Greta Vislockyte


Although I am not Chinese, I am a second-year undergraduate student at Vilnius University (VU) and I would be glad to share my experience.


I entered VU Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies in September 2018. These two years at Vilnius University completely changed me.

首先,维尔纽斯大学的哲学系、语言学院、历史学院、政治和国际关系学院都在城市中心。前三个学院的建筑都包含在联合国教科文组织认证的世界遗产名录中。我们教室里的令人惊艳的壁画出自立陶宛著名艺术家Petras Repsys之手,在这里上课的体验十分美妙。校园的建筑和给人放松感的庭院都是你学习的动力。一个小贴士:如果你在维尔纽斯大学学习,那就不要犯懒,爬上一次中央图书馆的最顶层,可以欣赏到令人惊叹的城市全景(还能找到许多关于亚洲的书籍,包括一些中文书)。

To begin with, faculties of Philosophy, Philology, and History, as well as the Institute of International Relations and Politics of Vilnius University are located in the very city centre. The former three occupy Vilnius University Ensemble which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. It is a pleasure to attend classes at auditoriums which a famous Lithuanian artist Petras Repsys decorated with stunning frescoes. The very buildings and atmosphere of cosy university yards drive you to study. A little note: if you study at VU, don’t be lazy and climb up the last floor of the Central Library – from Orientalist, Media and Beinorius Reading Rooms you can see breathtaking city panorama (and find many books on Asia, including some in Chinese).


An important fact, VU library MKIC works 24/7 (with the exception of national holidays). So, you can study whenever you like. The library is very modern, you can choose a place with a computer and even book a room for individual or group studies.


VU, Grand Yard, photo from scholarship-positions.com

Petras Repsys在语言学院的壁画《四季》,图片源自gidas.mb.vu.lt/2008/10/

Petras Repsys’ frescoes “The Seasons” in Philology Faculty; photo from gidas.mb.vu.lt/2008/10/


There also is a Kaunas faculty of Vilnius University.


Kaunas faculty; photo from facebook.com/vuknf/


Talking about studying, for me, the most amazing advantage (and a drawback at the same time) is that you can plan your own workload. On the one hand, you can enormously expand your knowledge with the help of the most famous Lithuanian academics. On the other hand, I often overvalue my abilities and pick up too many classes, therefore, sometimes I feel quite stressed. Unfortunately, nobody will push unmotivated students to work.


As for the exams, it depends on your tutor and program, but if you’re a passionate student and prepare for the classes, Midterms and Finals well, everything will be fine.

同时,维尔纽斯大学也有一大特色——通识教育课(立陶宛语是Bendros universitetinės studijos,BUS),这个不能逃掉。维尔纽斯大学提供各式各样的通识教育课(如崛起地区政治、西方哲学、经济学、亚洲当代艺术和媒体等)。一般必须每学期选择一门或者多门。此外,你还必须选一些其他的选修课。


Also, VU has one peculiarity – General Education Electives (lt. BUS – Bendros universitetinės studijos) which you cannot escape. VU offers a long list of general subjects (e.g. The Politics of the Rising Regions, Western Philosophy, Economics, Asian Contemporary Art and Media etc.). Usually, you have to choose one or more General Subjects per semester. Also, you have to choose Optional Courses or Elective Courses.

Beside of that, you can pick up language courses for a smaller fee than usually – only 50 EUR for a semester (there are two 90 min classes per week) instead of 250-300 EUR for a course at local language schools.


Although I am not a Medicine student, I can state that Medicine is one of the best disciplines in VU along with natural sciences and technologies.

对于交换生来说,我们有特殊的ESN(Erasmus Student Network)项目,Erasmus是欧洲学生交换项目,以鹿特丹的伊拉斯谟命名,他是文艺复兴时期的著名学者,在欧洲各所大学间游学。ESN 不仅负责协调欧洲交换生,还有来自世界各地的青少年。ESN会组织各类活动、聚会、旅游和比赛,即使你不为学术研究而来,你也会发现许多乐趣,并结识许多新朋友。

For exchange students, we have special ESN (Erasmus Student Network) coordinators. Erasmus is a European student exchange program named after Erasmus of Rotterdam, a prominent Renaissance scholar who travelled and studied across different European universities. ESN coordinates not only European exchange students but youngsters from all over the world. ESN organizes different events, parties, tours and contests, so, even if you’re not into academics, you will have fun and find many new friends.


ESN emblem; website: vu.esnlithuania.org


Those who love music and dance can join the university’s dance or folk music ensembles, orchestras, choruses or organ classes (you can learn to play the organ at the St. Johns’ Church in the Central VU ensemble. The organ is the largest in Lithuania). You can also join different clubs and societies, and those interested in sciences have an opportunity to join scientific societies (for example, at the Philosophy faculty we have Anthropology club).


One important thing I almost forgot to mention, academic ethics. VU has strict rules on cheating, especially plagiarism, corruption and other illegal activities. Our community is trustful and highly professional.


If you have other questions, feel free to ask!

