Squeaky's Training Day (STD) - Kola Sandbox (Case I, III & Night)

Squeaky's Training Day (STD) - Kola Sandbox (Case I, III & Night)

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Squeaky's Training Day (STD) - Kola Sandbox (Case I, III & Night)

Uploaded by - Squeaky_B
Date - 05/04/2024 21:30:56
<LAST UPDATE> 05/06/24

A simple sandbox training mission on the Kola map. There are no threats. If you've given my other sandbox missions a go, I've tried to make this one a little lighter.
Modules Required - Supercarrier, (any of the modules you want to train in of course :D )

6 Ranges to choose from, Fram, Endurance, Terra, Alert, Erebus and Bowdoin for Ground Attack, Air to Air, Anti Ship, HARM / Radar and Runway busting.

"Ambient Spawns" - I don't like being the only one taking off so I've added AI that spawn when you do around the base and on the carrier.

A large carrier battlegroup with busy (but still functional) Carrier decks, including the Supercarrier GW, HMS Invincible and Tarawa.
Airbase populated with Statics and ambient units.

Tankers and AWACS available.
Smoke on targets and Air to Air "drones" available via the Radio menu

There are 3 missions files included. Case I, Case III and Night. Each mission contains Hot and Cold spawns.

---------Spawns ---------
A-4E-C (GW & Shore)
AH-64D (LHA & Shore)
AJS34 Viggen
AV8B (HMS Invincible & Shore)
C-101 Aviojet
F/A-18C (CV & Shore)
F-14B (CV & Shore)
F-86F Sabre
Ka-50 III
L-39 Albatros
Mi-24P Hind
MiG-15 bis
MiG-21 bis
Mirage F1-BE,CE & EE
OH-6A (Ship & Shore)
SA342 (DD & Shore)
T-45 (Ship & Shore)
UH-1H (Shore only due to a bug)
UH-60L (LHA & Shore)

----Mods supported but not required---
A-4E-C = https://github.com/heclak/community-a4e-c
UH-60L = https://github.com/Kinkkujuustovoileipa/uh-60l
OH-6A = https://github.com/tobi-be/DCS-OH-6A
VNAO T-45 Goshawk = https://forum.dcs.world/topic/203816-vnao-t-45-goshawk/
Darker and Less Glossy Deck for the Supercarrier and Stennis (Single-player only) = https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3325364/

Royal Navy Harrier Livery = https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3313738/

--------- Target Ranges ---------
WP 1 Fram: Ground attack (Tanks, trucks, cars)
WP 2 Endurance: Ships
WP 3 Terra: Air to air "drones" activated via the radio menu
WP 4 Alert: Moving Targets / Convoys
WP 5 Erebus: Airbase / Runway busting
WP 6 Bowdoin: HARM / Radars activated via the radio menu.

Tankers Available, TACAN's and frequencies are all in the Briefing for you.

Supercarrier is required, but if enough people want a non SC version just let me know.

Check out my other STD's! (I need a better Acronym)

Persian Gulf: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3332912/
Caucasus: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3333066/
Syria: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3333080/
Sinai: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3334055/
Nevada: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3334265/
Marianas: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3335300/
South Atlantic: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3335326/
Normandy2: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3336653/
Kola: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3337116/

<------    SUPPORT    ------>
I test all the missions a few times to make sure everything works as it should but if you do come across any issues feel free to either leave a comment below or message me on discord - squeaky_b

---------Edits & Updates---------
05/06/24 - Added Ship & Shore Spawns for the OH-58D Kiowa
22/05/24 - Added Hot and Cold spawns for the F-4E
16/05/2024 - Case I & Night now have less clouds.
13/05/2024 - Added flares instead of smoke to the night mission
13/05/2024 - Added Case I, III & Night versions.
06/05/2024 - Added Guard Heli for the GW
06/05/2024 - Unblocked the ambient units at the Airbase (Tested it before adding the statics like a muppet)
06/05/2024 - Adjusted the Ambient units take off and landing timers (Now 30min intervals)
06/05/2024 - Set the ambient units to not be hidden on the map.
04/05/2024 - Uploaded

<Quick Note on the future...>
Just a little note, there might not be updates to these for some time. Theres a lot of things I'd like to add and also change, but this will mean recreating all of the sandbox missions from scratch which is going to time. Especially as rather than constantly updating 9 different user files pages, I'd like them to be just one download (A collection of STD's if you will).

The main changes will be:
- Different locations used on the maps.
- Much better FOB / FOB's using the new assets.
- Combined Arms sandbox / range for SAM & AAA, Anti-Tank, Artillery etc.
- Hot / Cold starts for all flyable Aircraft (As well as the mods already added).
- Custom Kneeboards for Target info, frequencies etc
- Ambient units doing more than just flying in circles.
- Option to increase the difficulty. By default it will always be a no threats mission, but I'd like to give people the option to enable ground AI, have the drones be evasive or aggressive etc.

It'll take some time but hope it will be worth the wait. :)
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 6.78 Mb
  • Downloaded: 449
  • Comments: 10