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Kyoto live trip report

Honolulu, Hawaii
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Kyoto live trip report

Aloha everyone, I arrived from Hiroshima yesterday and today’s day two here in beautiful Kyoto. It’s been 24 years since I have been here and I was 26 and staying at a youth hostel back then now I’m a grown-up and I’m staying at a hotel right across from the Kyoto JR station

I’ll leave a small review of this hotel that I’m staying in but let me just summarize it real quick. I’m not very happy with it. Now off to my report

I have three nights here total

Sunday, April 21, 2024

I arrived off of a very comfortable Shinkansen ride

I feel that it is worth it to splurge a little on the green car. It’s so much space and just so relaxing.

When I arrived at Keala station it was like pandemonium. I feel like every station get closer To Tokyo, the city gets bigger and so does this train station There are thousands of people running throughout this gigantic station. The last time I came here we exited through the Central exit of the station, but this time I exited on the west and I didn’t recognize it at all

It’s drizzling here And I did not have an umbrella, but it’s OK. It was very light.

My hotel is literally two minutes away across the street and about two buildings down so that’s very convenient

As per usual Japanese Hotel, I am not able to check in until 3 PM. The difference this time is, they didn’t offer to hold my luggage they offered to allow me to go store it It may not seem like to people, but every other place I’ve been staying as I get there early. They always offer to hold my bags for me and next thing you know when I check my bags are already in my room so Service already had a big big red flag.

The second red flag was that there were huge groups here and this is a small hotel. There’s only eight floors.

The third red flag was, When I did get to check in I didn’t understand what they were telling me about amenities to go pick it up. I was a little confused so when I got to my room, it was like bare bones. I’m like where is everything? I’m so used to all the hotels being stocked from here to kingdom come with things.

Whatever I’ll get over it

Since I couldn’t check in, I walked over to the Avanti department store with With a DonnXiote , But I just was not in the motor by anything

Hungry I walked down the street after borrowing one of the mini umbrellas to hotel offers and I found myself a cute little diamond shop, but I didn’t notice before I got to the Ramen shop laundromat. And it’s empty

I had Drummond for lunch with a fabulous one of the best karaage Chickens ever. I tried walking around, but I was just so tired and the rain was making me feel so gloomy that I decided to go back to the hotel and relax but when I got there, I noticed that people were checking in and it was only 2 o’clock so I came upfront and they were like yes that’s Check you in

When I got to my Up all the clothes I’ve been wanting to wash and headed over to the laundromat. The machines do both wash and dry and I did two loads at 15 minutes each, so I left it there and walked away and started getting ready for my show tonight

Tonight I go to see the 150th anniversary showing of the Miyako Odori.

Of course I forgot at least six pieces of items that I wanted to wash. I guess I’ll try later at my hotels laundromat on the second floor. That is the one redeeming or excuse me two other redeeming qualities of this hotel is that it does have ofuro Laundromat, even though the washing machines are forever busy.

Off to Gion I went after hailing a taxi off the street

I was cutting it so close. The show was at 4:30 and I was leaving at 4:10 and it was traffic time with rain. Good times

I get to Gion Check in got my ticket sat down and within two minutes the lights went out and the show started. It was absolutely breathtaking. It was something to experience such a rich, cultural heritage. I felt so fulfilled

I walked around afterwards, realizing it was still early, but it was raining so I did add a little gloom, but also a little mystery

I went down the little alleys that still said that I was OK to go just no photos so I put my phone away out of respect in case someone was to see me and Sure enough, a Geiko Was walking my way I saw her. I smirked a little smile, and I looked down as she I think, kind of rolled her eyes and opened up to her beautiful umbrella, and she did herself from me. That’s fair I get it. She didn’t know if she was safe even though she would be as I wasn’t there to chase her down or tug k. her kimono or her for pictures.

Gion It’s so so beautiful even in the rain

I was getting a little hungry, but sadly all the places were full as per the signs that were outside

And then I ran into this little signage that said Finlandia, A cocktail bar. I said oh why not open the door stepped in and it was beautiful so chic I sat down. I ordered a Negroni and I met the most wonderful couple from Venezuela who Who have been living in Copenhagen For a few years. They just got married and we had such great conversations I ordered another cocktail and my gosh this mixologist is so darn good. So dangerous too, and I can’t believe how inexpensive the price were. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that it’s only because of the exchange rate.

Nice and buzzed I walked down. The main drag saw sign for the subway followed. It fired up Google Maps. That actually works this time in the city. Find my way to kill station.

Headed home with a stop at Coco curry A quick chow down I got back to the room. I got myself ready to go to the ofuro downstairs. And that was my day, one in Kyoto

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Goa, India
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1. Re: Kyoto live trip report

Good one. Keep it going, it is informative and interesting

Honolulu, Hawaii
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2. Re: Kyoto live trip report

Tuesday April 22,

First filll day in Kyoto.

I woke up. Now that’s a great start ….

Got myself together and headed out the door around 8 am

I took the great advice from a previous poster and took a taxi as far up as I could go to KIYOMIZUDERA

It was a nice time. Quiet enough to enjoy without the major crowds but not early enough to avoid all the super models from the Asian continent serving up all their loses with every single piece of whatever is in front of them. Oh look a stone. Take my picture.

lol. I’m so shady.

Once I avoided all the super models I found the temple to be exactly what the travel doctors. Ordered. Peaceful, beautiful , spiritually abundant and just drop dead gorgeous. The temple complex is so beautiful , the nature that surrounds it just elevates your experience. I feel like you leave there blessed.

As I left the temple complex after seeing as much as I could and inhaling all the fresh beautiful serene air around me , I quietly made my way to Koda-Ji temple. Along the way , the shops on the Higashiyama way were slowly opening

I popped on here and there but to be quite honest with , too much of too many things gets me very overwhelmed so I tend to over look and skip stores that have “everything “ in them

As o started to make my way down to Koda-Jo temple , I stopped for some sweet dango. Oishiiiiiiii

There I saw it , that amazing Starbucks that is just so unique to Kyoto. With tatami Matt’s upstairs an all. I was jonesing for a real strong cappuccino. So I ordered me a grande and sat upstairs while savoring every moment. So unique. I wasn’t going to look for it but I’m glad I stumbled upon it

I was just an absolutely lovely stroll down I was so enthralled by the natural beau ty of it all. So simple so not trying too hard. Just Kyoto. Just Japan. 🇯🇵

I was still hungry as the dango was the only thing I ate since I awoke at 5:45 am this morning. It’s now 10 ish am

I’ve been hungry for Japanese pancakes. And lo and behold I see the Hyatt Kyoto Gion cafe. I try my luck and they just so happen to have pancakes. Yay. Beautiful property. Now while I enjoyed it. It wasn’t the Japanese pancake I was after. But it’s okay. 300% markup and I was out the door. At least I got to use a really clean bathroom hahaha.

Next stop … or rather second stop of the temple day , ryozen Kanon temple screams at you with the most gorgeous and beautiful goddess sized statue of the bodhisatva She has always been someone absolutely close to my heart so I was so hallow to stumble upon her as she was not only list.

On my way up there was this ojiichan trying to climb the steep steps. I know this sounds cheesy AF, but I offered my arm and he took it. It was like I was walking with the grandfather I never knew on my mother’s side or my father who was very similar to him in his last years on earth.

I helped him up and he demanded a picture with me so he could tell people of his new hawaiian friend. Ong so cute totally made my day !!!!!

When I got to the entrance of the temple. He refused to let me pay and paid my way forward. I was not expecting that and was a bit embarrassed. But it was such a kind gesture. We kept following each other. Me ahead of course but I then saw hi at the beautiful koda-ji temple where he was visiting f before me as I took some time with mother Kanon Sama

He said “hawaii “ and waved his hands. lol

Oh my stars I can’t believe I forgot to mention this … I ran into a huge group of hawaiians in my hotel. Yesterday. We now each other a mile away. And I can always tell a hawaiian or person from hawaii , so respectful and so sweet. I love my people

Anyway back to today.

After my beautiful visit to Koda-Ji I bought a ticket for the sen temple of Entokuen. Very beautiful and serene. And a nice break from all the walking and chatter around me.

After that I didn’t know what to do. I ended up walking around d and came across the fabulously big Yasaka Shrine.

How stunning. Everyone in their kimonos. Are my eyes deceiving me ? Test , they are it the geiko but a local for a day I their beautiful rented kimono and Hakama

How fabulous it must feel. I’m too voluptuous to even try it. Gone are my “super model days “ at 5’11 and fully figured. I just can’t hahaha and I’m not gonna try even though I so badly want to

I exited out to the main Gion thorough fare with 500 million others. Oh Lordt……..

I walked around some of the side streets and came across a beautiful incense store with drop dead gorgeous Japanese style incense burners. I dropped a pretty penny an a gorgeous one and added some incense to my take away. Yay !!!!!!!

Next ……

Honolulu, Hawaii
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3. Re: Kyoto live trip report

I then made my way down, hoping to find Kawaramachi-dear shopping area. But before that, I was so hungry I ended up stopping at the cute little soba restaurant right by the bridge. Do not ask me the name. Do not ask me the area. I cannot remember and I’m so sorry it’s so unlike me, but let me put it this way a very good and expensive. Tenzaru soba meal. The sofa tasted freshly made. I witness something really extraordinary. I saw these birds flying all around swooping down like they were predators and showing up they were they were the Japanese version of a kite raptor. That was so interesting

After my quick and lunch and a beer I fired up Google maps and found my way very easily to the shopping district. I mean, how can you not? It’s right there smack dab in your face.

What I mean is, I mean that I got to buy my face products that I still desperately needed as I underestimated myself and did not pack enough samples that I thought would last me for a long time so I needed a good new line to try and so I went to Takshimaya and was introduced to IPSA cosmetics line I’ll let you know how it goes in a few days. Hopefully, it’ll be great. I normally Use another Japanese line that my friend brings me every few months to Hawaii called Lekarka , For some reason, I haven’t been able to find it anywhere. I wonder if it’s just only in Tokyo my skin is absolutely beautiful when I use it.

Anyway, then venture into Wonderland, walking down all the streets filled with shops. It was kind of similar to what and.Ekimae Shopping would be like

So good to see all these cute little unique shops everywhere unfortunately there are also a lot of animal shops and cafés, and I hated that I was trying to discourage people from going in, but who am I to interrupt someone’s fantasy even at the expense poor Animal

After walking and walking and walking back up and walking back down, I came across the famous Nishiki Market

What a cool experience to see all the different food vendors but honestly, the things that impress me the most was all theTsukemono And pickled vegetables oh my stars I wanted to buy everything take it home and eat it, but where am I gonna eat it because I don’t have a home here lol

At this point, I have been walking for hours. I am tired And I am over Seeing all the shops and What not it’s just too much to be quite honest.

I got what I came for earlier today. I got my temples on. I got my skin care. I got a cute little, actually a beautiful little incense burner and I think I’m gonna go to the. Inari Fushima shrine. Once you understand Kyoto Subway system, it’s very easy to navigate and trust me they make it very easy for you to understand where you need to go The signage in this town is fantastic and very user-friendly and I’m very appreciative for it To stop to kill station transferred to the Nara D line And puff I arrive at Inari temple complex. Oh my stars Taurus on steroids there are so many people here

All the rented kimonos are posing like supermodels as they should they look beautiful We have our Muslim Indonesian sisters dress and beautiful kimono, giving us gorgeous mug and such a Happy demeanor

The Temple complex itself is really beautiful. How can you not love the fox and the goddess Inarisama ?

There’s something about it. There is a magic here even amongst the millions of people there is something special and you can feel it.

I made my way to all the thousand Tori gates And just the first few and walk down the last few

I was done officially.

Back at Kyoto Station I decided to exit the Central way so that I could see the Kyoto station I remember from 24 years ago Hotel attached to it. What a beautiful station

I walked back to my hotel in the West End, laid on the bed for a little bit wrote out the first part of this trip report while I comprehend and decide where am I going to eat? I am too tired and I’m too late to make reservations.

I walked around around here and there and then I saw it, I said in Hiragana : Tofu. Oh my stars I need it. I need tofu in my life in a big way right now

Kitsune something no can’t read the mast kanji , is part of the Kyoto tofu group. It was soooooo good. I’m going to go back tomorrow for seconds for my last night.

Tomorrow , Nara !

Now what time to go is the question at hand lol

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4. Re: Kyoto live trip report

Love, love, love reading your trip reports! Keep them coming!

Hong Kong, China
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5. Re: Kyoto live trip report

Thank you for another interesting report.

Have fun in Nara.

For restaurants nearby check out the dining floors on top of the Isetan Department Store in Kyoto station, incl a famous Tofu specialty shop.

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6. Re: Kyoto live trip report

Fabulous reports as always :)

Thank you so much! Counting the days now...

Columbia, Illinois
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7. Re: Kyoto live trip report

Great report! Thank you!

What is the name of your disappointing hotel?

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8. Re: Kyoto live trip report

Thank you for your excellent reports. So fun to read as always😄

You didn't name the hotel but iim guessing it's the Vischio, no? It's so unusual they refused to hold your luggage before checking in. If it's indeed the case, I'll stop recommending this hotel. I've recommended Vischio to many as it is very close to Kyoto Station, the rate is reasonable and they have ofuro.

One thing I want to, point out is that Fushimi Inari is not a temple but a shrine. It's the mother shrine of all Inari shrines in Japan.

Looking forward to reading your Nara report, my hometown. Kyoto is like a second home to me, too as I went to Kyoto University. Have a great time in Nara!

Honolulu, Hawaii
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9. Re: Kyoto live trip report

Aloha everyone.

Thanks for your positive feedback.

Dr yea it’s the VISCHIO. It’s not that they didn’t allow to store my bags , and I know this sounds so petty , but they made me do it myself. And yes that’s still a plus , but after closing from all those other JR hotels , I was so expecting them to hold my luggage for me ( they take it away )

The other things I was quite disappointed about was the whole grab what you need from the amenities bar that took me a day and a half to find. Hahaha. I’m just used to a stocked room. The hotel is pretty and clean but I feel like you need to work to stay here. The location and ofuro is absolutely the two reasons why I’m not extremely upset. I mean even the close space is like a coat rack hahahah

First world problems indeed.

Thank you for correcting me about Inari Jinja It is the mother of them all and so beautiful 🦊 the crowds though …. Wow

Honestly for me I think the next I come back to Kyoto , and I definitely will , I will probably stay at the grand Hyatt in Gion looks perfect. And I love the area

Well today I’m off to Nara ! I’m very excited

I’m wondering if I should leave as early as possible. It is 5 am right now


Honolulu, Hawaii
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10. Re: Kyoto live trip report


Since you’re a Nara native , how does this itinerary sound ?

- [ ] Todaiji First

- [ ] Walk to Ura Sando (back trail) to Nigatsudo.

- [ ] Then to Kasuga Taisha

- [ ] walk to Naramachi, visiting the Pagoda and Sarusawa Pond

- [ ] Harushika Brewery

- [ ] Nara Park

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