What Is the Auditory Learning Style? (With Key Strategies) | Indeed.com

What Is the Auditory Learning Style? (With Key Strategies)

Updated December 28, 2022

A person uses headphones to listen to audio while working on a project at their computer workstation.Training is an essential part of every job, so it's helpful to understand the most effective way you and other people learn. There are four learning styles you can use: reading/writing, kinesthetic, auditory and visual. Auditory learners typically learn best through listening and talking, often using conversation, music and video to interface with information. In this article, we define the auditory learning style, examine its benefits and share effective auditory learning strategies to help you excel in your profession.
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What is the auditory learning style?

Auditory learning is a style of learning in which an individual learns more efficiently by listening. Auditory learners remember information better when it's delivered through sound or speech rather than written form.This type of learning is one of the four different styles the Fleming VARK model of learning recognizes. A person who is an auditory learner relies on speaking and listening as their primary way of learning. Many auditory learners may experience challenges when they receive instructions or information in written form but can clearly understand them when the information is auditory. These individuals are typically good listeners and can easily remember information that has been spoken.For example, an auditory learner may remember everything that was said during a work meeting but has a hard time recalling the information that was outlined in a work report. Common characteristics of an auditory learner include:Individuals who are auditory learners typically excel in professional positions that regularly incorporate discussion and require active listening. A few of the most popular jobs best suited for people with an auditory learning style include guidance counselors, customer service professionals, attorneys, judges and sound engineers.Read more: Learning Styles for Career Development

Auditory learning style strategies

There are several strategies that an auditory learner can implement to improve their overall learning experience in the workplace. The following are strategies you can use if you're an auditory learner:

1. Play background music

Many auditory learners work best when there's background noise as opposed to silence. Background noise, such as music, can help auditory learners concentrate more easily and be more productive. You use headphones while at work, or if you work in a private office or at home, you can play light music or white noise in the background.Related: Linear Models of Communication: How They Work

2. Ask for verbal direction

Auditory learners typically understand directions best when they're communicated verbally. If you work in an environment that relies heavily on email to communicate, consider asking your manager or team members to meet with you occasionally to communicate expectations for projects assigned to you verbally. This can ensure you fully understand your duties and help prevent confusion or challenges that may arise from misinterpretation or misunderstanding.Related: Verbal Communication Skills: Examples and 7 Tips

3. Participate in group discussions

Individuals who are auditory learners often benefit from group discussions within the workplace. Regularly scheduling in-person meetings and discussions with your team or managers is an excellent strategy if you're an auditory learner. This allows you to understand different responsibilities, especially those related to your role during a project or other work task.Related: Verbal Skills in Demand for 2022: Definitions and Examples

4. Record meetings

If you're an auditory learner and have an important meeting and want to ensure that you don't miss any important, you may record the meeting to listen to again later. Before you record the meeting, ensure that everyone in the meeting is comfortable being recorded. After, ensure you store the recording in a safe location so only you or other people in that meeting can access the recording. One strategy some organizations use is to record every meeting so anyone from the organization can listen to it at a later time.Read more: How To Record a Google Meet Video Call (Steps Plus Tips)

5. Read aloud

While this strategy may not be appropriate in all work environments, for auditory learners who work in a private area, reading aloud may prove beneficial when trying to remember information. Reading aloud can mean you read information aloud so you can also absorb the information through listening. You may also have a program on your computer or other device that reads information aloud to you, allowing you to listen to it with headphones or quietly over a speaker system.Related: 10 Easy Ways To Improve Your Vocabulary Skills

6. Talk through problems

For problems or situations that can be solved in the workplace, talking through these scenarios is often the best way for an auditory learner to digest information and come up with a solution. You could talk through a problem with a colleague, manager or other leader or even communicate with a trusted friend or mentor about the work situation. This allows you to understand your ideas and how the other person feels about the situation.The more an auditory learner implements strategies specific to auditory learning in their daily work life, the more successful and productive they can be at work. Each person may benefit from different strategies, so it's important to try multiple strategies to determine which ones work best for you.Individuals who are auditory learners typically excel in professional positions that regularly incorporate discussion and require active listening. A few of the most popular jobs best suited for people with an auditory learning style include guidance counselors, customer service professionals, attorneys, judges and sound engineers.Related: Collaboration Skills: Definition and Examples

Auditory learning style benefits

There are several benefits that can come from being an auditory learner. Common benefits that auditory learners may enjoy include:
  • Reduced need for seeing or reading information to learn or remember it
  • Limited situations in which there's no auditory stimulus to use for learning
  • Improved likelihood of retaining information compared to other types of learning styles when presented with auditory information
  • Increased ability to multitask
  • Increased communication skills because of the preference to discuss topics and issues verbally
Related: Learning Styles and How To Accommodate Them
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Auditory learning style disadvantages

While there are certain benefits that come with an auditory style of learning, there are also a few disadvantages with this learning style. Being aware of these potential downfalls of auditory learning can help you prevent them from affecting your productivity and success at work. Common disadvantages of this learning style to keep in mind include:
  • Increased susceptibility to distractions in the workplace, especially when excess noises are in the environment
  • Decreased attention span, especially when the task involves reading or writing
  • Increased chances of causing disruptions in the work area such as humming or singing to oneself or starting conversations with others while they're working
  • Decreased chance of retaining information if it's not in an auditory form
Nonverbal communication is one of many tools that can help you make a good impression in interviews and in your professional life. However, candidate assessments should be based on skills and qualifications, and workplaces should strive to be inclusive and understanding of individual differences in communication styles.
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