One allure of open-world video games is the ability to cause nearly endless destruction and chaos across a large map. Of course, this is not always the case with every title in the genre, but most open-world games allow players to destroy everything in sight.

Many open-world games go further, letting players run through the world with superpowers. Some of these games where you have superpowers are based on comic book properties, while others are original superhero stories created from the ground up by the developers. Most recently, Insomniac has released a sequel to one of their best games with Marvel's Spider-Man 2, where players can become Marvel's biggest hero in an amazing open world, proving there's still much more growth for the genre.

Updated on April 22, 2024, by Guillermo Kurten: Open-world games have been one of the medium's most popular trends for several years. However, they can make their mark in the genre/format by experimenting with other subgenres. This list is being updated to expand on development information and in-game images for each title.

25 Superman Returns Made Players Feel Invulnerable

Superman flying above the cityscape in the Superman Returns tie-in game.

Release Date:

November 20th, 2006


Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Xbox 360


EA Tiburon

Metacritic Score:


10 Classic Video Games That Deserve Modern Remakes
In a time of great video game remakes like Resident Evil 4 and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, fans are itching to see these other classic titles remade.

While Superman Returns delivered on the open-world promise and featured innovative ideas like city health instead of player health, the story felt repetitive and lacking. Many hoped Rocksteady would make a Superman game after the Arkham games, but fans are still waiting. The closest thing they got was news that the Suicide Squad game featured the Man of Steel.

Superman Returns featured combat mechanics that made it stand out, letting players fly across the cityscape of Metropolis for good measure. However, the forgettable boss battles and lack of a captivating story made Superman Returns a likewise forgettable entry in the Man of Steel's long history of video games.

24 Lego Marvel's Avengers Had Playable Versions Of The First Two Avengers Plots

Release Date:

January 26th, 2016


Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One


Traveller's Tales, TT Fusion

Opencritic Score:


By 2016, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was more real in people's minds than the comics ever were. So when Traveller's Tales launched Lego Marvel's Avengers in 2016, it made sense that the story focused on the MCU. Players explored a world where they could play through the events of the first and second Avengers movies. There were also levels devoted to several other major MCU films, including Captain America movies and Iron Man 3.

However, gameplay wasn't limited to MCU characters. On the contrary, players were given access to hundreds of playable characters, including the Young Avengers and Jane Foster Thor. Though short, traversing the city and smashing villains with major heroes' powers was entertaining.

23 Mass Effect: Andromeda Offers Psychic Powers In The Distant Future