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Undertale AU Wiki
* But nobody came.

* This article contains information that is from a cancelled AU, an AU that has been put on an "Indefinite Hiatus", or an AU that has not had a story update in a year. As such, some information here may not be found in any established story, and could be considered non-canon.

Time of Last Story Update: January 12, 2017

Time of Cancellation: Absentia

For the other AU called AsylumTale, see AsylumTale (Blackroses113).

AsulymTale was created by Furgemancs, and revolves mainly around Sans, who resides in a mental hospital.

The unstable skeleton, Sans, was found in Waterfall having a breakdown with heavy scratches across his skull and forearms (causing bleeding along with the damage) by Grillby, who then brought him to Doctor Toriel. During the immediate response session, Sans proceeded to have another mental breakdown, lashing out of fear and reaction due to "voices", quickly being tranquilized as a result of acting out. Eventually being more properly outfitted and put into a singular room, Sans continuously screamed for a long period of time(even after medication) before stopping. Sans began to start seeing Papyrus at the moment onward, starting to calm down from his presence. The breakdowns were most likely due to Papryus's passing, thus he visits him as a ghost or vision to Sans only.


Undertale Characters[]


Works for the Asylum/Mental Hospital, their job is being a secretary. Is the one that finds Sans(Asy) injured and alone, bringing them to the Asylum.

Sans (Asy)[]

Found in Waterfall arms covered in self inflicted scratches, muttering about not wanting be hurt and needing find their brother. Seen being experimented on in The Past story line, contributed to their mental break down and regressing to a childlike state/mindset. In the Future story line they seem to be more stable and taking care of a child Geno, whom refers to Sans(Asy) as their Uncle.


Works at the Aslyum/Mental Hospital as a Pyschiatric Doctor, and looks after Sans(Asy). They still have their kind and motherly demeanor.


Appears as a ghost that only Sans can see, who tries to help comfort and assist Sans(Asy) when need be. They are brother to Sans and were alive at one point, who was also experimented on with the implication they died due to the experiments.


A Security Guard of the Asylum/Mental Hospital that also helps keep out of control patients under control when they act out.


Still runs their own show, seems to have a part time job at the Asylum/Mental Hospital.


The father to Sans and Papyrus, quick to anger and seems cold to both his children. Rarely seen being kind to them, but later on experiments on them for reasons yet to be known.


Is a mute who uses Sign Language to speak, they are a child going school in the Underground and decides to use the Asylum/Mental Hospital for their school essay. They are friends with Monster Kid.

Monster Kid[]

Friends with Frisk, refuses to go into the Asylum/Mental Hospital and wishes Frisk luck on their project.

Added Characters[]


Appearing in the Future Series, seems to be partner to Sans(Asy) and takes care of them. They are a Skeleton as well, with a unique symbol on their forehead wearing a scarf hoodie.


Shown as a child, calls Sans (Asy) Uncle and looks up to them it seems.


Undertale Locations[]


Unchanged it appears, there are still the Echo Flowers and has the Snailfarm still there.

Added Locations[]

Asylum/Mental Hospital[]

A place where insane Monsters go, to hopefully get proper help and become better.

