Canvas Wall Art | Custom Canvas Prints | Shutterfly
three canvas wall art prints

Canvas Wall Art

Create canvas wall art for your home with your favorite photos to showcase your favorite memories and artwork in a unique and stylish way. You can customize your canvas prints by adding a frame, adjusting the size, and including a collage or custom text to add a personal touch to any room in your home.

Make Your Own Custom Canvas Wall Art


From small, simple canvas prints to large panoramic photo spreads, your only limit is your imagination. Custom canvas prints offer a unique and personalized way to showcase your favorite memories or artwork. With the ability to choose your own photos or designs, you can create a one-of-a-kind piece that reflects your individual style and taste. With small and large options, you can create the perfect pieces to upgrade empty walls.

gallery wrapped canvas print
multi piece canvas print
framed canvas print

Framed Canvas Prints


Custom framed canvas prints combine the beauty of canvas art with the elegance of a frame, creating a stunning and polished display for your favorite photos or artwork. The custom framing options allow you to choose from a variety of high-quality frames, finishes, and matting options to perfectly complement your canvas print and match your personal style. Whether you prefer a sleek and modern black frame or a more rustic option, custom framed canvas prints add a touch of sophistication and professionalism to any space.


Hanging Canvas Prints


Made from premium poly-cotton canvas with a semi-gloss finish, our hanging canvas prints are as sturdy as they are beautiful. A canvas wall hanging is a perfect option for displaying special occasions, holidays, or just your favorite everyday photos uniquely. Our canvas art prints include two sleek and stylish black magnetic wood bars, available in black, natural, or rustic bar color options to complement the rest of your decor.


Photo Spread Canvas Wall Art


Especially ideal for landscape images, photo spread canvas prints have a wide range of design applications. These panoramic wall art formats are often displayed over a sofa or other primary focal points in the home. A larger image would be suitable but can work in just about any location with abundant wall space. Photo spread canvas prints come in many spread options, including selections of three, six, and nine. Some are vertical or horizontal, allowing you to quickly transform any long photo into a mountable work of art to decorate your home or office.


Turn Cherished Memories into Canvas Wall Art


Showcasing memories on canvas wall art is a beautiful and meaningful way to bring your cherished moments to life. Whether it's a family portrait, a breathtaking landscape, or a snapshot from a special occasion, transforming your favorite memories into canvas wall art adds a personal touch to your home decor. The vibrant colors, texture, and depth of canvas prints create a stunning visual impact, making your memories truly stand out. Every time you walk by, you'll be reminded of those precious moments, evoking emotions and nostalgia. With their durability and longevity, canvas wall art ensures that your memories will be preserved and enjoyed for years to come, becoming a timeless piece of art that tells your unique story.

Small Canvas Prints

Small canvas wall art prints offer a charming and compact way to showcase your cherished memories. With their smaller size, they are perfect for adding a personal touch to smaller spaces such as desks, shelves, or gallery walls. Despite their smaller dimensions, small canvas prints still maintain the same high-quality printing and durability as larger canvas prints, ensuring that your images will be preserved and enjoyed for years to come.


Large Canvas Prints

If you have plenty of wall space, an unforgettable family portrait, or a favorite high-quality photo, large canvas wall art might be the best choice for you. Choose larger sizes, like our option between 16x16 and 36x36. Large canvas prints offer a captivating and immersive way to showcase your most treasured images. With their expansive size, they command attention and become the focal point of any room.


Canvas Photo Tiles

Canvas photo tiles offer a unique and versatile way to display your favorite images. These innovative picture tiles allow you to create a customizable collage or mosaic of photos on your wall. With their lightweight and easy-to-hang design, canvas photo tiles can be rearranged and re-positioned effortlessly, giving you the freedom to change the layout and design whenever you desire.


Display Photos with Canvas Wall Art

The possibilities are endless with home decor, and why not start by showcasing your favorite pictures on canvas? Shutterfly offers a wide range of canvas wall art options. Choose from the carefully curated selection of art prints from our Art Library or Artist Design section, or upload your own photography to gift or display in your home. You can even choose to include text personalization to add finishing touches on your canvas wall art pieces. When you design custom canvas prints with Shutterfly, you can transform your favorite photos or artwork into one-of-a-kind wall decor that makes a statement.

Make Your House a Home with Canvas Prints

Canvas wall art can be displayed anywhere in your home or office space. Hang a beautiful panoramic canvas print above your living room couch or framed canvas wall art in your bedroom to create a statement and personalize your space. Canvas art prints would look incredible in your dining room. Use the canvas photo spread design to creatively showcase your photo or create a gallery wall with different size canvas prints. For even more canvas display ideas, you can frame your canvas wall art for a more professional look and feel, or browse our hanging canvas prints selection for a unique home decor piece.

Display Photos with Canvas Wall Art

The possibilities are endless with home decor, and why not start by showcasing your favorite pictures on canvas? Shutterfly offers a wide range of canvas wall art options. Choose from the carefully curated selection of art prints from our Art Library or Artist Design section, or upload your own photography to gift or display in your home. You can even choose to include text personalization to add finishing touches on your canvas wall art pieces. When you design custom canvas prints with Shutterfly, you can transform your favorite photos or artwork into one-of-a-kind wall decor that makes a statement.

Make Your House a Home with Canvas Prints

Canvas wall art can be displayed anywhere in your home or office space. Hang a beautiful panoramic canvas print above your living room couch or framed canvas wall art in your bedroom to create a statement and personalize your space. Canvas art prints would look incredible in your dining room. Use the canvas photo spread design to creatively showcase your photo or create a gallery wall with different size canvas prints. For even more canvas display ideas, you can frame your canvas wall art for a more professional look and feel, or browse our hanging canvas prints selection for a unique home decor piece.