Minecraft multiplayer on switch lite - Nintendo Switch Forum - Page 1


Topic: Minecraft multiplayer on switch lite

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Hi all, I’m new to the switch lite and I’m struggling to set up 2 consoles on a local network to play minecraft together. I’ve joined the local network but each console doesn’t see any friends. Can anyone help me please?
Thank you 😊



@Fionarj76 Check your Airplane mode on both consoles. That's likely your issue. Airplane mode must be OFF for local wireless multiplayer & internet. Long press the HOME button to get the Volume, Brightness, Airplane Mode window, and make sure Airplane Mode is off.

Hopefully that's it

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


Thank you but airplane mode is definitely off. Both consoles are on the same WiFi network. One has a minecraft game cartridge in it and the other is using a downloaded version from the Nintendo eshop. I’m a bit stuck ☹️



@Fionarj76 Maybe this can help. Here's someone setting up local wireless minecraft with two switches. Bottom switch loads the world. As the world loads, you'll see the top switch friend's tab show "1" friend becomes available around 1:04. And, they have to be friends in the game. Some games automatically show any switch friend logged in. Some games you also have to add the friend in the game too (as an extra step).

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


Hi, thank you I’ll try this, sorry for the late reply!



Hello, everyone. My name is Elliott Black, and I'm a HUGE Nintendo fan. I've got the Nintendo Switch, New 3DS XL, and Wii U. But the Switch is obviously my favourite Nintendo console out of all three, but that doesn't mean I should stop playing them. Anyway, the reason why I'm here is because I want some more Minecraft friends. I just got the Switch not that long ago, and I don't have many friends. So I'd like some friends, please? My code is just bellow me. One more thing. It was Minecraft's birthday on 17th May. So I'd like to wish it Happy 11th Birthday.

Nintendo Network ID: ElliottBlack1

Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-8677-0118

Xbox life ID: Elliott Black 0

Discord account: Elliott Black#9217

Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-8677-0118 | My Nintendo: Elliott | Nintendo Network ID: ElliottBlack1 | Twitter:


@ElliottBlack1 I sent you a friend request. I'll be able to play with you around 3:05 PM EST today if that's okay.



Hi if u want to play with me I mainly Play Minecraft SW-0970-9449-5691


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