The Meaning Behind The Song: My Back Pages by Bob Dylan - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: My Back Pages by Bob Dylan

The Meaning Behind The Song: My Back Pages by Bob Dylan


Bob Dylan is an American singer-songwriter who is known for his socially conscious lyrics and his ability to convey deep emotions through his music. One of his most famous songs is “My Back Pages,” a track that delves into the theme of self-discovery, and the challenges that come with letting go of old beliefs and ideas. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song, and its significance in Dylan’s career.

Verse One: “Crimson flames tied through my ears”

The opening lines of “My Back Pages” set the tone for the rest of the song. In this verse, Dylan uses vivid imagery to describe the inner turmoil that he faced during his early years as a musician. The “crimson flames” are a symbol of the passion and intensity that he felt towards his craft. The line “tied through my ears” suggests that he was so consumed by his music that it was all he could think about.

Verse Two: “A self-ordained professor’s tongue”

In this verse, Dylan takes aim at the arrogance of some intellectuals and self-proclaimed experts. The “self-ordained professor’s tongue” is a metaphor for those who believe that they have all the answers, and who look down on others who may not share their views or beliefs. Dylan is suggesting that these people are not as wise as they may think they are, and that true wisdom comes from experience and self-reflection.

Verse Three: “A diplomat’s skills and the gift of gab”

This verse continues the theme of criticism towards those who hold themselves in high esteem. The “diplomat’s skills” and “gift of gab” are attributes that are often associated with politicians and other public figures. Dylan is suggesting that these people may be skilled at manipulating others with their words, but that they may not have the best interests of the people at heart.

Verse Four: “Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth”

In this verse, Dylan confronts his own biases and prejudices. He admits that he may have been judgmental towards others in the past, and that he is now trying to let go of these attitudes. The phrase “half-wracked” suggests that he is still struggling with these issues, but that he is making progress.

Verse Five: “In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand”

This verse can be interpreted in a few different ways, but it is generally seen as a rejection of violence and aggression. The “soldier’s stance” suggests a readiness to fight or defend oneself, but the fact that Dylan “aimed his hand” could also be seen as him reaching out in a peaceful gesture. It may also be a commentary on the futility of war and the fact that violence often leads to more violence.

Verse Six: “And blinded by the light, I fell into the pathway of the night”

This verse is one of the more enigmatic in the song, but it can be seen as a metaphor for the confusion and uncertainty that can come with self-discovery. The “light” could represent the truth or enlightenment, but it may also represent a false sense of security or comfort. The fact that Dylan “fell into the pathway of the night” suggests that he is taking risks and exploring new territory.

The Chorus: “Ah, but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now”

The chorus of “My Back Pages” is a refrain that reinforces the idea that Dylan is moving away from his old beliefs and attitudes. The line “I was so much older then” suggests that he was burdened by a lot of baggage and preconceived notions, but the line “I’m younger than that now” suggests that he is shedding those layers and becoming more open-minded and curious.


“My Back Pages” is a powerful song that speaks to the challenges of self-discovery and the importance of letting go of old ideas and prejudices. It is a message that is still relevant today, as we continue to navigate a rapidly changing world. Through Dylan’s lyrics and music, we are reminded that wisdom comes from humility, curiosity, and a willingness to explore new territory.


What inspired Bob Dylan to write “My Back Pages”?

While Dylan rarely gives specific explanations for his songs, “My Back Pages” is widely seen as a rejection of his earlier work, which was heavily political and focused on social issues. Dylan has said that he felt constrained by his previous persona as a “protest singer,” and that he wanted to explore different themes and styles.

What is the significance of the line “Ah, but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now”?

This line has been interpreted in different ways, but it is generally seen as a rejection of Dylan’s earlier work, which was often focused on social and political issues. The line suggests that Dylan has grown and evolved as a writer and musician, and that he is shedding his old beliefs and attitudes.

What is the meaning of the line “Crimson flames tied through my ears”?

This line is a metaphor for the passion and intensity that Dylan felt towards his craft. The “crimson flames” are a symbol of the fire and energy that he put into his music, and the fact that they are “tied through his ears” suggests that he was completely consumed by his art.

What is the significance of the line “In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand”?

This line can be interpreted in a few different ways, but it is generally seen as a rejection of violence and aggression. The “soldier’s stance” suggests a readiness to fight or defend oneself, but the fact that Dylan “aimed his hand” could also be seen as him reaching out in a peaceful gesture. It may also be a commentary on the futility of war and the fact that violence often leads to more violence.

Who has covered “My Back Pages”?

“My Back Pages” has been covered by a number of artists, including The Byrds, The Ramones, and The Nice. The song has also been performed by Dylan himself on many occasions, both in solo and band settings.

What other songs by Bob Dylan deal with themes of self-discovery?

Dylan’s discography is filled with songs that deal with themes of self-discovery and personal growth. Some notable examples include “The Times They Are A-Changin’,” “Like a Rolling Stone,” and “Tangled Up in Blue.”

What awards has “My Back Pages” won?

While “My Back Pages” was not a major commercial success, it has been recognized as a significant work by many critics and music historians. The song has been included on numerous lists of the best songs of all time, and it has been covered by many artists over the years.

What is the musical style of “My Back Pages”?

“My Back Pages” is a folk rock song that features Dylan’s signature acoustic guitar and harmonica. The song also includes electric guitar, bass, and drums, giving it a fuller sound than some of his earlier solo recordings.

What is the message of “My Back Pages”?

The message of “My Back Pages” is that true wisdom comes from self-reflection and a willingness to let go of old beliefs and attitudes. Dylan is encouraging his listeners to be open-minded and curious, and to embrace new experiences and ideas.

What was the initial critical response to “My Back Pages”?

“My Back Pages” received mixed reviews upon its initial release, with some critics praising the song’s introspective lyrics and others criticizing its departure from Dylan’s more political material. However, over time the song has been recognized as a significant work in Dylan’s canon.

Has Bob Dylan ever spoken about the meaning of “My Back Pages”?

Dylan has rarely given specific explanations for his songs, preferring to let listeners interpret the lyrics for themselves. However, he has been known to comment on the themes and stylistic choices of his work in general terms during interviews and discussions.

What impact did “My Back Pages” have on Dylan’s career?

“My Back Pages” marked a significant departure from Dylan’s earlier work, which was often focused on social and political issues. The song showed that Dylan was capable of exploring different themes and musical styles, and it helped to establish him as one of the most important songwriters of his generation.

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