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Deke! U.S. Manned Space

From Mercury To the Shuttle

Author: Donald K. Slayton with Michael Cassutt

Deke! U.S. Manned Space

Deke! U.S. Manned Space


Trade Paperback

About This Book

Deke Slayton was one of the first seven Mercury astronauts--and he might have been the first American in space. Instead, he became the first chief of American Astronaut Corps. It was Deke Slayton...

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Book Details

Deke Slayton was one of the first seven Mercury astronauts--and he might have been the first American in space. Instead, he became the first chief of American Astronaut Corps. It was Deke Slayton who selected the crews who flew the Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab missions. It was Deke Slayton who made Neil Armstrong the first man on the moon.

Deke! is Deke Slayton's' story--told in his own words and in the voices of the men and women who worked with him and knew him best. Deke Slayton's knowledge of how the .S. manned space program worked is the missing piece of every space buff's puzzle. Now, after decades of silence, he tells his priceless stories of those years when American was engaged in the greatest voyage of exploration in human history.

Imprint Publisher

Forge Books



In The News

“Deke Slayton was probably the single most important man in the U.S. manned space program.....Slayton was a genuine American hero.” —Stars and Stripes

“No on can really understand the manned space flight of the '60s without understanding Deke's role in it. This is his story in his won words, and it often seems as if Deke were there in person. no nonsense, no excuses, just get on with the mission.” —Frank Borman

Deke! is a 'must read' for those who remember that most exciting of night and for those not yet born who want to learn about one of the 20th century's most thrilling moments.” —Rocky Mountain News

About the Creators

Deke! U.S. Manned Space

Deke! U.S. Manned Space


Trade Paperback