Vytautas - Baby Boy Name Meaning, Origin & Popularity


What does the baby name Vytautas mean? Learn about what Vytautas means, its history & origin, popularity in our random name database, pronunciation, similar names, nicknames & spelling variations.

Vytautas - Name Meaning, Origin & Popularity

Spelling of Vytautas
V-Y-T-A-U-T-A-S, is a 8-letter male given name.
Meaning of Vytautas
Driving the people.
Origin of Vytautas
'Vytautas' is a Lithuanian masculine given name that originated in the Baltic region. Its earliest known use dates back to the 14th century, during the reign of Grand Duke 'Vytautas' the Great, one of the most prominent rulers in Lithuanian history. The name 'Vytautas' is derived from the Lithuanian words 'vyti' meaning 'to chase' or 'to pursue', and 'tautas' meaning 'people' or 'nation'. Thus, the name 'Vytautas' can be interpreted as 'the one who pursues the well-being of his people.'
Lithuanian Names
Popularity of Vytautas
Throughout history, the popularity of the name 'Vytautas' has fluctuated. During the medieval period, it was primarily used among the Lithuanian nobility and ruling class. However, with the decline of the Lithuanian state, the name gradually fell out of common usage.

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in traditional and unique names, leading to a modest increase in the popularity of 'Vytautas'. While it may not be as widely recognized as more popular names, 'Vytautas' holds a special place among those who appreciate its rich history and distinctive sound.
Vytautas currently has 1 like, and is in the top 14% of liked boy's names. The name Adom is slightly more popular than Vytautas.

Etymology of Vytautas

The etymology of the name 'Vytautas' can be traced back to the ancient Baltic languages. The Lithuanian language, which belongs to the Baltic language family, has preserved many ancient linguistic features. The name's roots lie in the Baltic word 'vyti', which means 'to chase' or 'to pursue'. This reflects the strong and determined nature often associated with individuals named 'Vytautas'.

Cultural Significance of Vytautas

'Vytautas' holds great cultural significance in Lithuania, where it is considered a patriotic name. It symbolizes strength, leadership, and a deep connection to the nation's history. This name is often associated with Grand Duke 'Vytautas' the Great, who played a crucial role in expanding the Lithuanian state and defending it against external threats. As such, 'Vytautas' is seen as a symbol of national pride and identity.