
  • Now You See Me 3 is finally in development after eight years and could potentially bring the franchise's box office total over a billion dollars.
  • The new film may see the Horsemen working for the Eye to address social injustices worldwide, raising the stakes and expanding the series' scope.
  • Isla Fisher will return for Now You See Me 3 after missing the most recent movie, alongside new cast members like Rosamund Pike.

After eight years in development hell, Now You See Me 3 is finally moving forward, with filming set to take place before the end of the year. Now You See Me follows a group of stage magicians who use their skills to steal from the rich and give to the poor. Their crimes attract heat from the FBI and Interpol, and they have to outrun the authorities all across the globe. The series boasts a great ensemble cast, which includes Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson and Mark Ruffalo. Although it has been eight years since Now You See Me 2, the upcoming sequel is sure to attract a sizable audience.

Now You See Me 3 could bring the franchise's box office total over the billion-dollar mark if it performs on par with the last two. Depending on how the movie fares, it could kickstart a new era for the franchise. There have even been rumors that Now You See Me 3 could be a soft reboot of sorts, so the franchise could set up a new and exciting future. While there aren't many details about the plot yet, the ending of Now You See Me 2 sets up an intriguing sequel, so fans have plenty of reasons to be excited for the return of the heist franchise.

Now You See Me 3: Confirmation, Cast & Everything We Know

Now You See Me 3 was announced in 2016 but little has been heard about the sequel since then, so is the third chapter still happening?

8 The Secrets Of The Eye

Now You See Me 3 can resolve the franchise's biggest mystery

Now You See Me 2 took a big step toward the espionage genre, and the upcoming sequel could see the Horsemen working for the Eye to try to rectify socioeconomic injustices all over the world.

Now You See Me 2 ends on a cliffhanger, as the Horsemen are finally welcomed into the mysterious organization known as the Eye, and they descend a spiral staircase to learn the secrets that they have been chasing all along. Thaddeus reveals a bit about the secret society, telling the Horsemen that it has its roots in Ancient Egypt, where magicians perfected sleight-of-hand magic to steal food from the pharaoh and give it to the slaves. This lines up with the goals of the Horsemen, who also use magic to rob from the rich and give to the poor.

The ending of Now You See Me 2 shows some of the esteemed magicians who are part of the Eye, including Thaddeus himself, Li and Allen. With the Horsemen becoming members of the Eye, Now You See Me 3 could raise the stakes even higher than the first two movies. Now You See Me 2 took a big step toward the espionage genre, and the upcoming sequel could see the Horsemen working for the Eye to try to rectify socioeconomic injustices all over the world. Now You See Me 3 must remember its roots if it does go in this direction, because the espionage might threaten to overshadow the magic.

7 Isla Fisher's Return

Henley was absent in Now You See Me 2

There's no reason why Isla Fisher and Lizzy Caplan can't both be a part of the franchise's future, especially since Henley's role is unclear.

The Horsemen had to find a new member in Now You See Me 2, because Isla Fisher's Henley Grant was nowhere to be seen. Fisher decided not to return for the sequel because she was pregnant at the time of filming. The movie explains her absence by explaining that Henley got tired of waiting for more information from the Eye. While this is a rather weak explanation for such a popular character missing out, it does mean that Isla Fisher can return for Now You See Me 3, because her character is still alive and wasn't recast.

Although Henley wasn't recast, her role in the Horsemen was covered by a new character. Lizzy Caplan plays Lula May in Now You See Me 2, and her performance was a hit with fans of the franchise. The Mean Girls and Cloverfield star slotted in to the cast with ease, but there is no word on whether she is returning for the sequel. Now You See Me 3 should welcome Lizzy Caplan back, even though Isla Fisher is returning too. There's no reason why both characters can't be a part of the franchise's future, especially since Henley's role is unclear.

6 New Faces Joining The Cast

The franchise has added some new talent