one day at a time - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

Diccionario ingl�s-espa�ol

Fuentes externas (espa�ol → ingl�s)(ES → EN)

One day at a time," Mr. Glover offered as advice to [...]
one young man who has been drug-free for three months.
Un d�a�cada vez", le aconsej� Glover a un joven que [...]
hab�a dejado las drogas desde hac�a tres meses.
Keep up the hard work and remember
[...] that recovery is one day at a time.
Contin�e su esfuerzo arduo y recuerde que la
[...] recuperaci�n se logra d�a a d�a.
We need to build up our
[...] relationship of defense one day at a time.
[...] edificar nuestras defensas un d�a a la vez.
Being useful, one day at a time, will add a new [...]
dimension to your progress!
Ser �til, un d�a a la vez, dar� un sentido nuevo [...]
a su progreso!
I take it one day at a time and put my life in God's hands.
Trato de vivir un d�a a la vez y me pongo en las manos [...]
de Dios.
But we can show you how we are learning to live
[...] without drinking "one day at a time.
Pero podemos ense�arle c�mo vamos aprendiendo
[...] a vivir sin beber "un d�a a la vez.
Now with these materials from UNICEF we'll be able to
[...] keep moving forward for the children, one day at a time.
Ahora con este material de
[...] UNICEF seremos capaces de avanzar con los ni�os, d�a a d�a
Why should the dream of
[...] regenerating osteoarthritis cartilage not become a reality one day, at a time when we can see, on both sides of the Atlantic, [...]
that enzyme
biochemistry is occupying the shrewdest researchers?
Por qu� alg�n d�a no llegar� a hacerse realidad el sue�o de regenerar el cart�lago artr�sico, cuando en ambos lados [...]
del Atl�ntico la bioqu�mica
enzim�tica ocupa la actividad de los investigadores m�s sagaces?
Think of
[...] quitting in terms of one day at a time.
Piense en dejar de
[...] hacerlo en periodos de un d�a a la vez.
One of the
[...] keys for living one day at a time is contentment, [...]
an effective antidote for worry.
Una de las
[...] claves para vivir un d�a a la vez es el contentamiento, [...]
un ant�doto efectivo contra la preocupaci�n excesiva.
In their work they see as just one
element and with his partner and only friend,
[...] Mansilla, take your life one day at a time, without illusions, [...]
and future plans.
En su trabajo lo consideran como simplemente un elemento m�s
y acompa�ado de su compa�ero y �nico amigo,
[...] Mansilla, lleva su vida un d�a a la vez, sin ilusiones, ni planes [...]
a futuro.
One day at a time and God bless [...]
to anyone who has to go through this!
Un d�a a la vez, y Dios bendiga [...]
a cualquiera que tenga que pasar por esto mismo!
Now we look at one day at a time, not five years from now.
Ahora pensamos en un d�a a la vez, no en cinco a�os a [...]
partir del hoy.
This is true you have
[...] to take recovery one day at a time.
Es verdad, la rehabilitaci�n te
[...] exige que empieces cada d�a de nuevo.
No. You can take family or
[...] medical leave one day at a time, one week at a time [...]
or all of it at once.
No. Usted puede tomar licencia
[...] m�dica o familiar un d�a a la vez, una semana a la [...]
vez o todo a la vez.
Make a game
[...] plan to gain control in that area -- one day at a time.
Has un plan para controlar esarea - one day at a time.
Help participants identify ways to make these barriers less overwhelming
[...] by focusing on small changes one day at a time.
Ayude a los participantes a identificar maneras de hacer que estas barreras sean menos abrumadoras,
[...] centr�ndose en peque�os cambios un d�a a la vez.
The future is so daunting that often families do choose to live one day at the time.
El futuro es tan sobrecogedor que
[...] a menudo las familias tienen que elegir el vivir el presente, el d�a de hoy.
Remember that when designing a trip to the area, one day at Tikal is too little time.
Tenga en cuenta a la hora de dise�ar el viaje que un solo d�a es muy poco para ver� Tikal.
The time for election shall be announced to the plenary in writing at least one day in advance.
El horario de la elecci�n se anunciar� al plenario por escrito y al menos un d�a antes de la misma.
) Prescriptions may
[...] only be filled for up to a 90-day supply at one time.
) Las recetas se pueden
[...] llenar solamente hasta un suministro de 90 d�as a la vez.
You can get up to a 30 day supply at one time.
Usted puede obtener un suministro de hasta 30 d�as cada vez que usted ordene.
Seven trials included a designated control site; the other ten collected data at one site with the day-time data being used as the control.
Siete ensayos incluyeron un sitio control designado; los otros diez recopilaron datos en un sitio y utilizaron los datos diurnos como control.
The team spent time at a local middle school teaching "JA in One Day" to students [...]
in grades six through eight.
El equipo pas� tiempo en una escuela secundaria local ense�ando "JA in One Day" a [...]
los estudiantes de sexto a octavo grado.
Maybe one day the central government will make the suburban trains run on time.
Podr�a pasar que un buen d�a la Administraci�n central hiciera funcionar bien Cercan�as.
VaR limits measure the maximum authorised
[...] potential loss for a one-day time horizon based on the size and composition of the portfolio's risk exposure at the close of [...]
each day.
L�mites VaR, miden la p�rdida m�xima potencial autorizada de un d�a para otro en funci�n del tama�o y composici�n de la exposici�n [...]
al riesgo de la cartera a cierre del d�a
An employee may be working at the main campus one day and from a remote location the next.
Un empleado puede estar trabajando en la sede principal un d�a y en una instalaci�n [...]
remota al siguiente.
The value at risk for balance sheet aggregates and investment portfolios is calculated by applying the same standard as that used for trading: historical simulation with a confidence level of 99% and a one-day time horizon.
Para la actividad de balance y carteras de inversi�n se calcula el valor en riesgo con el mismo est�ndar que para negociaci�n: simulaci�n hist�rica con un nivel de confianza del 99% y un horizonte temporal de un d�a.
Then, with the help of what must have been an army of assistants speaking dozens of languages,
Macdonald (who won an Oscar
[...] for documentary One Day in September in 2000) went through the huge amount of material in a very short time frame (the film premiered at Sundance), composing [...]
it into a film which works as a whole.
Posteriormente, con la ayuda -cabe suponer- de un ej�rcito de asistentes con dominio en decenas de lenguas diferentes, Macdonald (que ya
gan� un Oscar por el
[...] documental One Day in September en 2000) analiz� todo el material recopilado en un periodo de tiempo brev�simo (la pel�cula se estren� en Sundance) para [...]
componer una pel�cula que funcionase como conjunto.
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