Boot camp: Windows on Mac install - a tutorial

Boot camp: Windows on Mac install - a tutorial

  • Jun 03, 2024
  • 446
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The Software "Bootcamp" from Apple is a simple solution to install a Windows operating system on your Apple Mac. We will show you step-by-step, how to bring using Bootcamp, Microsoft Windows on your Mac to Run.

Bootcamp: Windows install on your Mac

With the program "Bootcamp" to install in just a few steps Microsoft Windows on your Apple Mac. In this case, Windows is installed on a separate Partition, so you can decide after the Installation, always between the Windows operating system or the Mac OS. Previously, you should check whether your Mac this meets the numerous requirements.
  • The information about the Installation and configuration of Microsoft Windows on your Mac OS refer to the latest Bootcamp Version 4 & 5.

Requirements for Bootcamp

So that Bootcamp can smoothly work on your Mac Computer, and Windows successfully install, your Mac must meet the following requirements.
  • You need a Mac Computer with an Intel processor and a USB keyboard and a mouse, or a built-in keyboard and Trackpad.
  • In addition, Bootcamp has to rely on the Mac OS X Version 10.5 or later. However, it is the latest Mac OS X-recommended to use Version. So you can find out which Version you are using.
  • So that you can later insert the Windows installation CD, you need an internal optical drive or a compatible external drive.
  • Apple recommends for a proper use of the Bootcamp assistant and the new Firmware to install updates on your Mac Computer.
  • Depending on the Windows operating system you need 2 GB of memory and 20 GB up to 40 GB of free space on your hard disk.
  • To install the Windows operating system, you need a original Windows full installation disc with the 64-Bit Version, or a ISO file. The Bootcamp Version 5 supports all Windows 7 and Windows 8 variants, while Bootcamp 4 is only with Windows 7 "Home Premium", "Professional" and "Ultimate" compatible.
  • Depending on your model of Mac, your Apple Mac, only certain Windows and boot camp versions. Check on the official support page of Apple, if your Mac Computer with boot camp 4 & 5, as well as the desired Windows operating system to cooperate.
  • In order to Microsoft Windows smoothly on your Mac OS install, you need to of course the Bootcamp Version 4.0 or 5.0 download.
Bootcamp Assistant

Instructions: Windows on Mac install

Follow the steps below to be able to your desired Windows operating system in the future, on your Mac Computer.
  1. First of all, you can update your Mac OS using all the Available Firmware Updates and create a Back-Up of the OS X system, if you haven't done so already.
  2. Open the "Finder" and access in the utilities folder, which you can find under "programs". Now you have to activate the Bootcamp wizard.
  3. Follow the instructions of the Bootcamp assistant. Make sure that you use the suitable driver, so Windows can later use the complete Hardware of the Mac.
  4. First of all, you back up the drivers. You can decide whether you want to secure on a CD/DVD or an external storage medium.
  5. In a further step, you need to determine the size of the Partition in Windows. Currently, the OS X occupies your entire hard drive. By using Bootcamp you can shrink the OS X Partition and share the Windows operating system, at least a 20 GB Partition. It is recommended to choose a size of 32 GB.
  6. Please confirm that you have selected the partition size. Bootcamp will determine the Partition to create on your Mac OS.
  7. After Bootcamp creates the Partition, you are prompted to insert the Windows installation CD. After the System is restarted and the Windows installation mode from Bootcamp enabled.
  8. You must now install the Windows operating system and follow the instructions during the installation process.
  9. You have successfully installed Windows, and for the first Time started, you need to install from the safe storage device, the drivers for Bootcamp so that you can use under Windows on the Mac Hardware.
  10. Under Windows, you set the "system control" and select "Bootcamp", what operating system you run at the next Reboot. Under OS X, you set the startup behavior via the "startup disk" in system preferences. Alternatively, press when you Start your Mac, the "Alt"key and then look for the desired operating system.
Boot camp: Partition for Windows
In a further practical tip we show you how to use your Mac OS X network set up.




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