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David Freeman

Born in Memphis, Tennessee in January, 1974...moved to Dallas, Texas in 1978...moved to Chatham Township, New Jersey in 1982...moved to Orlando, Florida in 1986...moved to Miami, Florida in 1990...moved back to Orlando, Florida in 1991...graduated from high school in 1992, and the next day moved to Atlanta, Georgia...attended and graduated Indiana University (Bloomington) with a performance degree in flute, clarinet, and saxophone (BM 3 Woodwinds) 1996...attempted a graduate career at the University of North Texas in 1997, but quickly dropped out...moved to New York City in 2000...moved back to Atlanta, Georgia (still in 2000)...got married to Beth...adopted Reggie (the greatest dog in the world)...moved to the suburbs (Marietta, GA) in 2004...Jack was born--October 25, 2004...and here I am!


Album Review

David Freeman: David Freeman

Read "David Freeman" reviewed by Mark F. Turner

From Hot‘lanta (Atlanta, Georgia) the skillful and polished sound of saxophonist David Freeman rings loud and true. His self-titled debut recording features strong compositions and tight musicianship from a quartet that’s not afraid to mix it up. The mix comes in various styles that highlight Freeman on tenor, soprano, and Akai EWI (Electronic Wind Instrument).

Freeman chops are impressive as he pours out lengthy but interesting solos. His tenor sound is thick yet flowing as he leads his quartet on ...

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Primary Instrument


Willing to teach

Beginner to advanced


$20 per half hour. I have 10 years of teaching students of all levels, from beginners to college, ages 9 to 70!



Recordings: As Leader | As Sideperson

David Freeman

Independent Records


David Freeman

Self Produced



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