The French Laundry - Star Wine List

The French Laundry

Fine Dining Restaurant

Yountville, USA

The French Laundry Wine List

About The French Laundry

Without a doubt, Chef Thomas Keller invented fine dining in America, and this is the restaurant that he first did it in. Unsurprisingly, he wanted a wine list to go with it, and the stewardship of this beverage program has been handled by some of America’s greatest wine professionals, including Frasca’s Bobby Stucky, Protege Palo Alto’s Dennis Kelly, and Gregory Castells.

The wine list at The French Laundry has never been cheap, but it has always included some of the very best wines on the planet. There’s no doubt you’ll find something canonical and incredible to drink, but you’re not necessarily always going to love the price point. However, keep in mind that the Laundry (as most of Thomas Keller’s higher-end restaurants) includes service in its pricing. That being said, there are often some deals to be found if you would like to snipe off more obscure, but sommelier-special wines from the list. If you’re looking for value, ask for it, and you’ll often be surprised by what you might find, especially in white wines.

The French Laundry awards

  • 3 Michelin Stars 3 Michelin Stars

Wine team

  • AA
    Andrew Adelson
    Head Sommelier

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