1. TiagoPD's Avatar
    How to reset home screen layout?

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 02:32 PM
  2. Carl Estes's Avatar
    How to reset home screen layout?

    Posted via CB10
    On what device?

    06-17-13 02:43 PM
  3. TiagoPD's Avatar
    BlackBerry Z10

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 02:52 PM
  4. newcollector's Avatar
    What do you want to do? Resetting your device will reset the home screen to whatever way you had set it up.

    Posted via CB10 via my Z10
    06-17-13 02:58 PM
  5. TiagoPD's Avatar
    First of all thank you for responding. Well I've made folders and etc and I would like to know how to reset them so they're in the place where they were when downloaded or setup

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 02:59 PM
  6. zeeten's Avatar
    In what way did it change?

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 03:03 PM
  7. TiagoPD's Avatar
    It didn't change, I just want to reset it to the way it looked when I just bought the phone but I've searched everywhere for a response and I can't find one please help.

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 03:05 PM
  8. zeeten's Avatar
    First of all thank you for responding. Well I've made folders and etc and I would like to know how to reset them so they're in the place where they were when downloaded or setup

    Posted via CB10
    If you hold down on any icon or folder, when it starts wiggling, you can move it to wherever you want.

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 03:08 PM
  9. zeeten's Avatar
    If you want to get rid of the folders, you can move the icons out by moving them to the bottom of the screen when the folder is open, the folder will automatically disappear when there are no more icons inside.

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 03:11 PM
  10. TiagoPD's Avatar
    Yes, but I want to return them to their original position like on iPhone you go on. Settings > General > Reset Home Screen Layout

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 03:14 PM
  11. zeeten's Avatar
    Yes, but I want to return them to their original position like on iPhone you go on. Settings > General > Reset Home Screen Layout

    Posted via CB10
    I'm not sure if there is any way you can do that unless you remember or can find out how they were positioned. I would not recommend a factory reset.

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 03:16 PM
  12. TiagoPD's Avatar
    Okay well thanks for your help, I do hope they up their game on the next software update.

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 03:18 PM
  13. zeeten's Avatar
    I just took screen shots from one of the tutorials. There is a good chance this is the default layout.
    Page 1
    How do i reset the home screen layout?-img_00000189.png

    Page 2
    How do i reset the home screen layout?-img_00000191.png

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 03:29 PM
  14. TiagoPD's Avatar
    Thank you very much

    Posted via CB10
    06-17-13 03:35 PM
  15. southlander's Avatar
    Interesting. Never really thought about it but BlackBerry 10 does not appear to have a reset "Theme" option as the traditional BlackBerry os.

    Posted via BlackBerry 10
    06-17-13 11:54 PM
  16. BlownTinO's Avatar
    Are you serious you can move the icons where ever you want but if you want a quick super easy way that will reset all icons to DEFAULT turn on parental controls and all the icons go to default. Best solution to your ridiculous question...
    garrett lajoie likes this.
    06-18-13 01:39 AM
  17. BruvvaPete's Avatar
    So... you moved around your icons, didn't like the way it looked, now you want to change it back and it's BlackBerry's fault for not having a reset button.
    06-18-13 01:49 AM
  18. BruvvaPete's Avatar
    So why don't blackberry fix the Damn sound alert notification for email and text while on a call. Every other phone in the world has this feature. The Z10 and Q10 do not have this feature which is totally unexceptable. If I complain enough, and more and more Z10 and Q10 owners realize that this feature is missing from there device, and miss important text or email, and stop encouraging potential customers to try the phones then it might get fixed.

    Posted via CB10
    Seriously. Why are you posting that in this thread?
    06-18-13 01:51 AM
  19. BruvvaPete's Avatar
    Interesting. Never really thought about it but BlackBerry 10 does not appear to have a reset "Theme" option as the traditional BlackBerry os.

    Posted via BlackBerry 10
    Now this person is commenting on themes, which have nothing to do with the thread. I'm going to bed.
    rallen562 and eldricho like this.
    06-18-13 01:54 AM
  20. ahmadcy's Avatar
    my blackberry q10 display a message from facebook on my homescreen
    09-23-13 10:26 PM
  21. eldricho's Avatar
    my blackberry q10 display a message from facebook on my homescreen
    How so? Could you post a screenshot? Could help clearer

    Posted via CB10
    09-23-13 11:57 PM
  22. Gift Wongani's Avatar
    I bought a new bb z10 which had the defalt homescreen incruding apps like music player..video and so on...nw I updated it to 10.2 and I can't. Fynd those apps on my homescreen even the file mananger folder
    09-11-14 07:40 PM
  23. step07's Avatar
    The original app order that comes with 10.3 was a complete mess.

    I have my own arrangement of icons :3

    How do i reset the home screen layout?-img_20140912_010355.png
    How do i reset the home screen layout?-img_20140912_010359.png

    There's nothing worse than someone using your phone and moving your icons around...... I'm very particular about my icon layout.

    Posted via CB10
    09-11-14 08:06 PM
  24. ChubbleTrouble's Avatar
    I would think a security wipe would reset the icon layout. Haven't tried it though.
    09-11-14 08:30 PM
  25. ChubbleTrouble's Avatar
    Are you serious you can move the icons where ever you want but if you want a quick super easy way that will reset all icons to DEFAULT turn on parental controls and all the icons go to default. Best solution to your ridiculous question...
    Do the icons go to default and stay that way even after you turn parental control off again or do they revert to the modified layout you were using before you activated parental control?
    09-11-14 08:34 PM
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