The Meaning Behind The Song: Miami Vice Theme by Jan Hammer - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Miami Vice Theme by Jan Hammer

Exploring the Iconic: Miami Vice Theme by Jan Hammer and Its Hidden Meanings


Music has the ability to capture the imagination of many and evoke various emotions. It can transport the listener to a different time, place, or state of mind. A great example of this is the theme song from the iconic 80s series Miami Vice. Composed by composer Jan Hammer, the track is one of the most recognizable in TV history. However, there’s more to this sought-after song than just being catchy. In this article, we’ll take a deeper look into the meaning behind the Miami Vice theme by Jan Hammer.

The Background of Miami Vice Theme

The Miami Vice TV show was one of the most popular and influential cop shows of the 80s. It was an instant hit and even featured big-name celebrities like Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas. One of the standout aspects of the show was its use of music, which was integral to the overall feel and atmosphere of Every genre and era that came before seemed to be represented in Miami Vice’s sensibility of music. Consequently, Director Michael Mann wanted the music score for the TV show to transcend the boundaries of any conventional television music.

Enter Jan Hammer. Born in Czechoslovakia and trained in classical music, Hammer was already a well-regarded musician before taking up the task of scoring the Miami Vice TV series. Hammer had played keyboard for jazz-fusion pioneer Chick Corea, among others, and was primarily known for his electronic music work.

The Composition of “Miami Vice Theme”

Hammer composed the Miami Vice theme using the Yamaha DX-7, one of the first highly successful digital synths. The brass-like melody that opens the composition was inspired by Harold Faltermeyer’s Axel F theme, which was famously used in the movie Beverly Hills Cop. He combined it with synthesisers and electronic percussion to create the dreamlike atmosphere that the song evokes. It is a tribute to the jazz music of the period, and Hammer’s use of the digital sound of the synthesiser, a technology that was relatively new at the time, made the Miami Vice theme one of its kind.

The Hidden Meanings in “Miami Vice Theme”

The Miami Vice theme song is a work of precision, both in terms of composition and arrangement. But what is the deeper meaning behind the music, if any? Some people say that the Miami Vice Theme is more than just a TV show’s intro song. Rather, it is a symbolic representation of the city of Miami, its culture, and the societal issues surrounding it.

At the core of the Miami Vice theme is the notion of achieving the unachievable. The dreamy, melancholic melody carries a sense of yearning and desire for something more. As the theme progresses, it shifts into a more urgent and fast-paced beat, signifying action, adventure, and some chaos.

Furthermore, the Miami Vice theme encapsulates the duality of Miami’s persona. On the one hand, there is the flashy, glamorous Miami that draws tourists from all over the world with its sun-kissed beaches and lively nightlife. On the other hand, there is the darker, grittier Miami that is rife with crime and corruption. Hammer’s music captures both aspects of Miami, blending the glitz and crime into an amalgamation that serves as a love letter to the city.

The Miami Vice Theme’s Legacy

The Miami Vice theme had become such a cultural sensation that it has gone beyond being just a TV theme song. In essence, it has become a cultural icon of the 80s. Its legacy continues to this day, with its use in countless films, TV shows, commercials, and video games.

The composition became so renowned that it even crossed into popular music that was being recorded at the time. The band Phil Collins, who was a Miami Vice fan, hired Hammer to work on his “No Jacket Required” album. He provided percussion and other additional work on several tracks. This association with the popular music world emphasises how influential Jan Hammer’s contributions were to the music world.


The Miami Vice theme song is a true masterpiece of composition. Beyond being a mere TV show soundtrack, it is a musical homage to the city of Miami, capturing both the glamour and the seediness that define the city. Even today, the song continues to inspire new generations of musicians and audiences worldwide. Its timeless sound shows the importance of music in conveying meaning and emotions, leaving an indelible imprint on popular culture. It is, in essence, a testament to the transcendent power of music.

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