吐露港公路 in English - Chinese-English Dictionary | Glosbe

Translation of "吐露港公路" into English

Tolo Highway is the translation of "吐露港公路" into English. Sample translated sentence: 支助包括但不限于公路、桥梁、当地基础设施、涵洞、机场和直升机着落场 ↔ The support includes but is not limited to roads, bridges and local infrastructure, culverts, airfields and helicopter-landing sites

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"吐露港公路" in Chinese - English dictionary

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Translations of "吐露港公路" into English in sentences, translation memory

The support includes but is not limited to roads, bridges and local infrastructure, culverts, airfields and helicopter-landing sites
(c) The port of loading or the port of discharge; or
5.6 缔约国提及申诉人的入境面谈、难民保护司听证会证词以及个人信息表上提供的信息存在严重差异。
5.6 The State party refers to the significant discrepancies between the story told by the complainant at his port of entry interview and his testimony at the Refugee Protection Division hearing and on his personal information form.
With regard to road sectors, the construction of 193 km of route No. 3 along the North-South Economic Corridor has begun.
One cannot but be captivated by the vision of an integrated market, spanning the distance from the Himalayas to the Pacific Ocean, linked by efficient road, rail, air and shipping services.
实际上,当前农村由于封闭,很难吸引人。 那里没有通讯设施(电视、电台);公路网络不完善使运输变得困难;社会卫生设备不发达;配置落后。
Country life now holds little charm because of its isolation: lack of communications infrastructure (television, radio), a poor road network, making travel difficult, and underdeveloped and poorly equipped social and health facilities.
In Eastern and Southern Africa, within the framework of the seaport project, the drug interdiction capacity of law enforcement agencies at selected ports of entry was developed.
While the ship was in harbor in Wilhelmshaven on the 20th, a group of 137 men left the ship to protest a cancellation of their leave.
If there is no such home harbour, the determining factor is where the operator of the ship or boat is a resident.
” 1936年,钱德勒敦促落实肯塔基州第一个农村公路工程,并借联邦《农村电气化法》的援助发展电力基础设施。
In 1936, Chandler urged implementation of the state's first rural roads program and development of electrical infrastructure with assistance from the federal Rural Electrification Act.
根据《公路货运公约》第 # 条的规定,收货人有权凭提交第一份运单接收货物。
Pursuant to CMR article # the consignee is entitled to obtain delivery of the goods against surrender of the first copy of the consignment note
February 15 – Spanish–American War: The USS Maine explodes and sinks in Havana Harbor, Cuba, for reasons never fully established, killing 266 men.
The Government of the Russian Federation was redeveloping the trans-Siberian railway, establishing a new route from Baikal to Amur, investing in road infrastructure, as well as enhancing the carrying capacity of ports and promoting road safety.
Material based, in part, on Child Safety on the Information Highway and an article in the Los Angeles Times, July 5, 1999.
可是,由九十年代中期开始,申请在定居的尼泊尔人中,有 # %是先以访客身分进入香港,然后申请更改入境身分的。
But from the mid # s, over # per cent of Nepalese persons applying for settlement did so after entering as visitors and then applying for change of status
The development of Dili Port is still under way and it should soon be completed, as weather conditions permit.
The Barons of the Cinque Ports also participated in the ceremony.
The balanced and complementary development of road and railway transport subsectors, as well as the expansion and modernization of maritime ports, commensurate with the growth in demand for transport services, should be an integral part of national and regional transport infrastructure strategies.
Most of the surface forces went to sea early on the following morning; the 7th Cruiser Squadron, which had been added to provide further support to the Harwich Force, left port later in the day.
There were signs that villagers live and conduct business alongside the road that joins the border crossing point to the borderline
年 # 月 # 日星期三,当地时间上午 # 时,卢旺达正规军部队对戈马-鲁丘鲁公路上的一个要地Rumangabo地区发起攻击。
On Wednesday # ctober # at # a.m. local time, troops of the regular army of Rwanda launched an offensive against the locality of Rumangabo, a key point on the Goma-Rutshuru road
英文第 # 至 # 页)重申其立场,其中指出最初设想文书草案是一部海运法草案,这点可从其所有条款中明显看出来,因此其范围应局限于
The Working Group heard the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) (see also pp # ) reiterate its position that the draft instrument was originally conceived as a maritime law draft, as was evident throughout its provisions, and that its scope should thus be confined to port-to-port coverage
a) 减少国际公路运输中非关税壁垒。
a) Reducing non-tariff barriers in international road transport
After we leave the main highway, a two-lane road leads us to a geothermal field.
亞歷山大的希羅創造出 世界上第一個蒸氣引擎, 時間比工業革命時 重新再發明蒸氣引擎 要早了一千年。
Heron of Alexandria created the world’s first steam engine over a thousand years before it was finally reinvented during the Industrial Revolution.